
Manage IAP on capacitor with latest libs Android IOS

Primary LanguageJava


Capgo - Instant updates for capacitor

In-app Purchases Made Easy


npm install native-purchases
npx cap sync


Add this to manifest

<uses-permission android:name="com.android.vending.BILLING" />



restorePurchases() => any

Restores a user's previous and links their appUserIDs to any user's also using those .

Returns: any


purchaseProduct(options: { productIdentifier: string; planIdentifier?: string; productType?: PURCHASE_TYPE; quantity?: number; }) => any

Started purchase process for the given product.

Param Type Description
options { productIdentifier: string; planIdentifier?: string; productType?: PURCHASE_TYPE; quantity?: number; } - The product to purchase

Returns: any


getProducts(options: { productIdentifiers: string[]; planIdentifier?: string; productType?: PURCHASE_TYPE; }) => any

Gets the product info associated with a list of product identifiers.

Param Type Description
options { productIdentifiers: {}; planIdentifier?: string; productType?: PURCHASE_TYPE; } - The product identifiers you wish to retrieve information for

Returns: any


isBillingSupported() => any

Check if billing is supported for the current device.

Returns: any


getPluginVersion() => any

Get the native Capacitor plugin version

Returns: any



Prop Type Description
activeSubscriptions [string] Set of active subscription skus
allPurchasedProductIdentifiers [string] Set of purchased skus, active and inactive
nonSubscriptionTransactions {} Returns all the non-subscription a user has made. The are ordered by purchase date in ascending order.
latestExpirationDate string | null The latest expiration date of all purchased skus
firstSeen string The date this user was first seen in RevenueCat.
originalAppUserId string The original App User Id recorded for this user.
requestDate string Date when this info was requested
originalApplicationVersion string | null Returns the version number for the version of the application when the user bought the app. Use this for grandfathering users when migrating to subscriptions. This corresponds to the value of CFBundleVersion (in iOS) in the Info.plist file when the purchase was originally made. This is always null in Android
originalPurchaseDate string | null Returns the purchase date for the version of the application when the user bought the app. Use this for grandfathering users when migrating to subscriptions.
managementURL string | null URL to manage the active subscription of the user. If this user has an active iOS subscription, this will point to the App Store, if the user has an active Play Store subscription it will point there. If there are no active subscriptions it will be null. If there are multiple for different platforms, it will point to the device store.


Prop Type Description
transactionId string RevenueCat Id associated to the transaction.


Prop Type Description
identifier string Product Id.
description string Description of the product.
title string Title of the product.
price number Price of the product in the local currency.
priceString string Formatted price of the item, including its currency sign, such as €3.99.
currencyCode string Currency code for price and original price.
currencySymbol string Currency symbol for price and original price.
isFamilyShareable boolean Boolean indicating if the product is sharable with family
subscriptionGroupIdentifier string Group identifier for the product.
subscriptionPeriod SubscriptionPeriod The Product subcription group identifier.
introductoryPrice SKProductDiscount | null The Product introductory Price.
discounts {} The Product discounts list.


Prop Type Description
numberOfUnits number The Subscription Period number of unit.
unit number The Subscription Period unit.


Prop Type Description
identifier string The Product discount identifier.
type number The Product discount type.
price number The Product discount price.
priceString string Formatted price of the item, including its currency sign, such as €3.99.
currencySymbol string The Product discount currency symbol.
currencyCode string The Product discount currency code.
paymentMode number The Product discount paymentMode.
numberOfPeriods number The Product discount number Of Periods.
subscriptionPeriod SubscriptionPeriod The Product discount subscription period.



Members Value Description
INAPP "inapp" A type of SKU for in-app products.
SUBS "subs" A type of SKU for subscriptions.