
📡 When React Router meets MobX: observable router and location

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When React Router meets MobX: observable router and location.

Table of Contents


  • location is observable
  • Built-in query observable object to location
  • Super easy to push/update new URL, pathname, hash, search or query


If you wanna push url from http://aweso.me/search?q=hello&page=4 to http://aweso.me/search?q=hello&page=5, you may need:

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import qs from "qs";
import myStore from "./stores/myStore";

export default class MyApp extends Component {
  static propTypes = {
    location: PropTypes.object.isRequired,
    history: PropTypes.object.isRequired

  goToNextPage = ev => {
    const { location, history } = this.props;
    const query = qs.parse(location.search ? location.search.slice(1) : "");
        "?" +
          page: 1 + query.page

  render() {
    const { location } = this.props;
    const { page } = qs.parse(location.search ? location.search.slice(1) : "");
    return (
        <p>Page: {page || 1}</p>
        <button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Next</button>
import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import { observer } from "mobx-react";
import myStore from "./stores/myStore";
import routerStore from "./stores/routerStore";

export default class MyApp extends Component {
  goToNextPage = ev => {
    const { location } = routerStore;
    location.query = {
      page: 1 + location.query.page

  render() {
    const { page } = routerStore.location.query;
    return (
        <p>Page: {page || 1}</p>
        <button onClick={this.goToNextPage}>Next</button>


yarn add react-router-mobx

You should install all the peer dependencies if you haven't installed them:

yarn add react mobx mobx-react react-router-dom

If you are using React Native, please install react-router-native instead of react-router-dom.


  1. Use react-router-mobx Router instead of react-router Router
  2. Pass a RouterStore instance and react-router Router component to Router component:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import { Router, RouterStore } from "react-router-mobx";
import { BrowserRouter, Route } from "react-router-dom";

const routerStore = new RouterStore();

export default class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <Router component={BrowserRouter} routerStore={routerStore}>
        <Route {...someRouteConfigs} />

API Reference


The MobX store class that contains some router properties and methods.


A little bits like react-router location object which contains key, pathname, search, hash, state. But there are several differences:

  • Prividing query object, just like react-router v3 or below
  • All properties are observable and mutable
  • Could push URL by passing new location or properties, just like window.location
    • Push a new URL: routerStore.location = '/foo?say=hello'
    • Push a new pathname, i.e. from /foo?say=hello to /bar?say=hello: routerStore.location.pathname = '/bar'
    • Push a new search, i.e. from /foo?say=hello to /foo?say=world: routerStore.location.query = { say: 'world' } or routerStore.location.search = '?say=world'

Just like react-router history object, except for history.listen:

history.listen((location, prevLocation, action) => {
    `The current URL is ${location.pathname}${location.search}${location.hash}`
    `The previous URL is ${prevLocation.pathname}${prevLocation.search}${
RouterStore#push(loc, state)

Like react-router history.push(loc, state), but the loc param supports to be an object that contains a query object.

RouterStore#replace(loc, state)

Like react-router history.replace(loc, state), but the loc param supports to be an object that contains a query object.


The low-level api router component instead of react-router Router component.

  • routerStore (RouterStore): Defining a RouterStore instance to store or update location state
  • component (ReactComponent): Defining the react router component, e.g. BrowserRouter, MemoryRouter, NativeRouter, etc. Defaults to react-router Router component
  • history (Object): You can also define a custom history object, just like react-router Router component
  • All properties in react-router Router are supported


Setting a custom queryString library.

  1. queryString (Object): Custom queryString library, which should contain parse(object) and stringify(object) methods
import { setQueryString } from "react-router-mobx";
import { parse, stringify } from "qs";
setQueryString({ parse, stringify });


Please note that routerStore doesn't provide a match prop, if you need match, you may also use withRouter or <Route> from react-router. Checkout match for detail.


This library follows Semantic Versioning.

This library is considered to be General Availability (GA). This means it is stable; the code surface will not change in backwards-incompatible ways unless absolutely necessary (e.g. because of critical security issues) or with an extensive deprecation period. Issues and requests against GA libraries are addressed with the highest priority.
