
Opinionated GraphQL style pagination for TypeORM.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TypeORM GraphQL Pagination

Opinionated GraphQL style pagination for TypeORM.


TypeORM GraphQL Pagination runs on Node.js and is available as a NPM package. It can be installed as a normal NPM package:

$ npm install typeorm-graphql-pagination

Or using yarn:

$ yarn add typeorm-graphql-pagination


This package uses the pagination model presented in the official GraphQL documentation. You must create your own GraphQL types for each connection, edge, and order to take full advantage of the pagination features.

import { paginate, paginationTypeDefs } from 'typeorm-graphql-pagination';
import { getConnection } from 'typeorm';
import { gql } from 'apollo-server';

// GraphQL typeDefs
const typeDefs = gql`
  # Inject the pagination type definitions

  type Query {
    users(first: Int, after: String, orderBy: UserOrder): UserConnection!
  type User {
    id: ID!
    name: String
    email: String
    created_at: Int
    updated_at: Int

  enum UserOrderField {

  input UserOrder {
    direction: OrderDirection
    field: UserOrderField

  type UserEdge {
    node: User
    cursor: String

  type UserConnection {
    totalCount: Int
    edges: [UserEdge]
    pageInfo: PageInfo

// GraphQL resolvers
const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    users(obj: any, { first, after, orderBy }) {
      // Return the paginated connection
      return paginate({
        first, // How many results to load
        after, // The cursor to find results after
        orderBy // The order to return the results in
      }, {
        type: 'User', // The entity name
        alias: 'user', // The alias to use in queries
        validateCursor: true, // The cursor's index must match the results
        orderFieldToKey: (field: string) => field.toLowerCase(),
        // Here we pass in a repository, but you can also use a select query builder
        repository: getConnection().getRepository(User)
        // queryBuilder: getConnection()
        //  .getRepository(User)
        //  .createQueryBuilder('user')
        //  .where('email_verified = true')



$ npm test


Copyright (c) 2019 Kirk Brauer.

Released under the MIT license.