Stats Display API

Allows mods to easily add custom stats into the icon kit

Developer usage

Setting up Stats Display API for mod usage

Make sure to declare Stats Display API as a dependency in your 'mod.json'

"dependencies": [
		"id": "capeling.garage-stats-menu",
		"version": ">=v1.0.1",
		"importance": "required"

Then include the API in your source file

#include <capeling.garage-stats-menu/include/StatsDisplayAPI.h>


StatsDisplayAPI::getNewItem Has 4 things you need to pass through it

  • The ID of the item (always use _spr!)
  • The CCNode used for the icon
  • How much of the item you have
  • The scale of the icon

This will return a CCNode which you should add to stats menu!


To add a displayed stat you simply need to create a item through the API and then add it to the menu

This code adds your current fire shards to the display

class $modify(GJGarageLayer) {
	bool init() {
		if (!GJGarageLayer::init())
			return false;

		auto statMenu = this->getChildByID("capeling.garage-stats-menu/stats-menu");

		auto myStatItem = StatsDisplayAPI::getNewItem("fire-shards"_spr, CCSprite::createWithSpriteFrameName("fireShardSmall_001.png"), GameStatsManager::sharedState()->getStat("16"), 0.8f);

		if (statMenu) {

		return true;

If in any case the stats menu does not exist, you should check to make sure that it is not nullptr before adding your item

auto statMenu = this->getChildByID("capeling.garage-stats-menu/stats-menu");
if (statMenu) {

(Always remember to update the layout!)