- BakenekoMâcon, France
- BobLdLondon
- cmoski
- cristipufuBucharest
- deepakmegaBangalore
- fbertramBertram Solutions LLC
- georg-jungFrankfurt, Germany
- gpsarkar@seismic
- happysammySingapore
- hypnotranz
- IlshatGaripovSkynet Trading
- itsbalamurali@wearesovrin
- jaikumarmTechnical Leader @ Cisco Systems Inc.
- lefig
- lipq525
- lishin1980
- mercalli
- nazbrokParis, France
- newbokee
- NucsHaifa, Israel
- quantabilityQuantability LLC
- rbrokFrankfurt a.M., Germany
- recursionbane
- ridgewGuangdong, China
- RobSchut
- SdoofDevelopment Bank of Canada
- seersquant
- Sinister747
- skynodeAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- soekja
- ThetutorialchefTheTutorialChef
- tomhans2
- traderscienceTraderScience
- wallacewazza
- WaxaviFreelancer