
project-uniflea created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript


project-uniflea created by GitHub Classroom

Project overview

UniFlea is a mobile application that serves as a marketplace platform for university students. It will be exclusively available to currently enrolled students at the university with a buffer period that permits recent graduates to also participate. The goal for UniFlea is to help students purchase or sell textbooks, equipment, electronics, furniture, clothing and more. Similar to applications such as Facebook Marketplace and Craigslist, UniFlea is unique in that it offers the comfort of safety through an authentication process that confirms transactions are being made by students. Features of UniFlea include authentication and verification upon creating an account, a personalized homepage catered to the individual student, search filters and categories, in app messaging, notifications, and a moderation and reporting system.

Final Version Release

Hi everyone, this is the 4th and final release of our application, UniFlea. There are many exciting features and quality of life fixes to go over.

New features in this release

  • Users can now see how many views an item has received and will update in real time.
  • Users will only be able to view the products that have been submitted by fellow students of the same university. For example, Temple students will be allowed to see other products made by other Temple students.
  • The theme of the application will now dynamically change depending the logged in user's university. For example, the theme for Temple is cherry and white and the theme for Drexel is gold and blue.

Quality of Life and Bug Fixes

  • Invalid email error will no longer pop up after every character change in the email field.
  • Reading reviews on another person's profile will not be populated with that user's reviews and not the signed in user's.
  • Report button now takes the user directly to the default email app.
  • No more multiple back buttons on the other user's profile.

Known Bugs

  • Keyboard will cover up text input in some pages.
  • Search bar functionality is case sensitive.

Installation Instructions

To install/run UniFlea, first proceed to https://expo.dev/client and download the appropriate Expo application for your mobile device. Open the Expo application and log into the following account: Username - unifleatest | Password - uniflea1

From here, there are two options:

Option One (QR Code Scan): Scan the QR Code below. Upon scanning, you may be prompted to open the UniFlea application in Expo. Otherwise, it will automatically do so, and UniFlea will be running on your mobile device.


Option Two (Link): Copy and paste the following link into your browser and hit enter: exp://exp.host/@unifleatest/UniFlea?release-channel=default. Upon hitting enter, you may be prompted to open the UniFlea application in Expo. Otherwise, it will automatically do so, and UniFlea will be running on your mobile device.

If you would like to see the current offical published release on Expo, proceed to https://expo.dev/@unifleatest/UniFlea where you can see additional details about the project and corresponding instructions to run the application similar to Option One and Option Two.

How to Use and Test Release

Users can test the release in the following ways
  • Testing the item views

    1. navigate to home screen (first tab)
    2. choose a product that you are interested in
    3. tap the product
    4. return to home screen
    5. notice the view counter on the product card goes up
  • Testing different university themes

    1. sign into your temple uniflea account, notice the red colors
    2. use this account to test for drexel colors: drexelstudenttheme@gmail.com, PW: Kasie1234!


Dylan Dunda, Josh Hageman, Tuan Lam, Adam Lang, Kasie Madden, TJ Nguyen, Sameera Rachakonda