πŸ“š Homework Week 6 - NgocTP

πŸ“ Overview

This repository contains the code and resources for Homework Week 6 of the Capstonebara project. The project is written in C++, uses CMake for building, and Makefile for additional configurations. This project is configured to use CUDA for GPU acceleration, rather than running on the CPU.

πŸ—οΈ Structure

  • πŸ› οΈ build/: Contains build-related files.
  • πŸ“‚ include/: Header files.
  • πŸ’» src/: Source files.
  • πŸ“„ CMakeLists.txt: CMake configuration file.
  • πŸ“ README.md: This file.

πŸš€ Getting Started

βœ… Prerequisites

  • C++ compiler
  • CMake
  • Make
  • CUDA toolkit and compatible GPU

πŸ—οΈ Building the Project

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/Capstonebara/homework_week6_ngoctp.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd homework_week6_ngoctp
  3. Create a build directory and navigate into it:

    mkdir build && cd build
  4. Make sure to configure the path of the CUDA compiler, NVTOOLSEXT library and libtorch library. image

  5. Run CMake to configure the project with CUDA:

    cmake ..
  6. Build the project using Make:


Certainly! Here’s the combined "Usage" section for your README, including both the tensor utility functions and the feedforward neural network model with the Execute function:

βš™οΈ Usage

This project provides several utility functions for tensor operations and a simple feedforward neural network model for regression tasks using PyTorch. Below are the available functions and their descriptions.


Tensor Utility Functions

  1. torch::Tensor create_2d_tensor(unsigned int row, unsigned int column)

    • Description: Creates a 2-dimensional tensor filled with random values.
    • Parameters:
      • row: The number of rows in the tensor.
      • column: The number of columns in the tensor.
    • Returns: A tensor of shape (row, column) filled with random values.


    torch::Tensor my_tensor = create_2d_tensor(3, 4); // Creates a 3x4 tensor
  2. torch::Tensor mat_mul(torch::Tensor tensor1, torch::Tensor tensor2)

    • Description: Performs matrix multiplication between two tensors.
    • Parameters:
      • tensor1: The first tensor (should be 2D).
      • tensor2: The second tensor (should be 2D, with compatible dimensions for multiplication).
    • Returns: A tensor that is the result of the matrix multiplication.


    torch::Tensor result = mat_mul(tensor1, tensor2); // Multiplies tensor1 and tensor2
  3. torch::Tensor ele_mul(torch::Tensor tensor1, torch::Tensor tensor2)

    • Description: Performs element-wise multiplication of two tensors.
    • Parameters:
      • tensor1: The first tensor.
      • tensor2: The second tensor (must have the same shape as tensor1).
    • Returns: A tensor that contains the element-wise product of tensor1 and tensor2.


    torch::Tensor result = ele_mul(tensor1, tensor2); // Performs element-wise multiplication
  4. torch::Tensor reshape_tensor(torch::Tensor tensor, const std::array<int64_t, 2>& new_shape)

    • Description: Reshapes a tensor to a specified new shape.
    • Parameters:
      • tensor: The tensor to be reshaped.
      • new_shape: An array specifying the new shape of the tensor (must have the same number of elements as the original tensor).
    • Returns: A reshaped tensor with the dimensions defined by new_shape.


    std::array<int64_t, 2> new_shape = {2, 6}; // New shape
    torch::Tensor reshaped_tensor = reshape_tensor(original_tensor, new_shape); // Reshapes to 2x6
  5. torch::Tensor transpose_tensor(torch::Tensor tensor)

    • Description: Transposes the given tensor, swapping its dimensions.
    • Parameters:
      • tensor: The tensor to be transposed (should be 2D).
    • Returns: A tensor that is the transposed version of the input tensor.


    torch::Tensor transposed_tensor = transpose_tensor(tensor); // Transposes the tensor

Feedforward Neural Network Model

  1. struct FeedforwardNeuralNetModel

    • Description: Defines a feedforward neural network model with one linear layer.

    • Members:

      • torch::nn::Linear fc: A fully connected (linear) layer that takes an input dimension and outputs a specified dimension.
    • Constructor:

      • FeedforwardNeuralNetModel(int input_dim, int output_dim): Initializes the model by creating a linear layer with the given input and output dimensions.
    • Method:

      • torch::Tensor forward(torch::Tensor x): Performs the forward pass through the network and returns the output.


    FeedforwardNeuralNetModel model(input_size, output_size);
    torch::Tensor output = model.forward(input_tensor); // Forward pass
  2. std::pair<torch::Tensor, torch::Tensor> Execute(float target_weight, float target_bias)

    • Description: Trains the feedforward neural network model on a linear regression problem defined by the target weight and bias.
    • Parameters:
      • target_weight: The weight of the target linear function.
      • target_bias: The bias of the target linear function.
    • Returns: A pair of tensors containing the learned weight and bias of the output layer after training.

    Training Process:

    • Initializes the feedforward neural network model with input and output dimensions set to 1.
    • Creates a dataset by generating input data (X) in the range [0, 1) and calculating the corresponding output data (y) using the equation (y = \text{target_weight} \times X + \text{target_bias}).
    • Sets up the Mean Squared Error (MSE) loss function and the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer.
    • Trains the model over a specified number of epochs, performing forward passes, loss calculations, and backpropagation.
    • Outputs the training loss every 100 epochs.
    • Returns the learned weight and bias of the model.


    float target_weight = 2.0f; // Example weight
    float target_bias = 0.5f;   // Example bias
    auto [learned_weight, learned_bias] = Execute(target_weight, target_bias);
    std::cout << "Learned weight: " << learned_weight << ", Learned bias: " << learned_bias << std::endl;