This repository We demonstrated that our proposed scanner-specific analysis strategy outperformed the conventional analysis strategy. Therefore, the proposed analysis strategy is recommended when one applies source-based morphometry in a multi-centre MRI study.
If you use the simulation code, please cite:"Ruiyang Ge, Shiqing Ding, Tyler Keeling, William G. Honer, Sophia Frangou & Fidel Vila-Rodriguez, SS-Detect: Development and Validation of a New Strategy for Source-Based Morphometry in Multi-Scanner Studies, Journal of Neuroimaging, In press (".
Neuroimaging research is a collaborative effort, collaborative networks of researchers working together on a range of large-scale studies have been initiated. A prominent issue with a multicentre study is the heterogeneity of the data from scanners with different manufacturers (Siemens, GE, Philips…) and field strength (1.5 T, 3.0 T…).
- To run the simulation, you need to have the SimTB toolbox which you can download from or
- Download the three m-files from the 'resources' folder, and save them in the same folder.
- The file named 'demo_simulation' is the demo to generate 20 datasets which mimic MRI data from 20 different scanners. Please see (TBD) for more details of the parameters.