
The codebase of the revamped v14 series

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Codebase of the Discord.js V14 Revamped YouTube series

Last updated: 26-12-2023 @ 17:50 GMT

README.md last updated: 16-01-2024 @ 10:30 GMT

Getting started with this codebase

  1. Download this GitHub repository and open it in your code editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code).

  2. Create a new file called .env and paste in the following:

  1. Copy your Discord bot token from the Discord Developers website and paste it next to TOKEN= in your .env file.

  2. If you do not know how to set up a MongoDB database, then please watch episode 3 of the Discord.js V14 Revamped series to see how to create an account and create login credentials.

  3. Copy the URI that is given on the MongoDB website and paste it next to MONGODB_TOKEN= in your .env file.

  4. Save everything and open your terminal / command prompt.

  5. Run the following command to install every package needed for this codebase to run properly:

npm install
  1. After everything is installed, create 3 folders inside your src folder: one with the name buttons, one named contextmenus and the last one named modals. These folders are used for later videos, but you can leave them empty. You cannot delete them - they must exist in your src folder. If done correctly, your src folder should look like this:
📁 src
  📁 buttons
  📁 commands/misc
  📁 contextmenus
  📁 events
  📁 handlers
  📁 modals
  📁 utils
  1. Run one of the following commands to start your bot:
node .

nodemon .

Run node . if you do not want an auto-restart on every save you make in your code editor; run nodemon . if you do want an auto-restart on every save you make in your code editor.

Questions? Having problems?

If you have any questions about this code base or you face issues when following this step-by-step guide, you can join our The North Solution Discord server and we will help you out.