
An IMAP integration that scans the Email's sent by Ocado and pulls out the Order Edit and Order Delivery details as sensors that can be displayed in the HA dashboard

Primary LanguagePython

Ocado Integration for Home Assistant

An IMAP integration that scans the Email's sent by Ocado and pulls out the Order Edit and Order Delivery details as sensors that can be displayed in the HA dashboard.

Note: There is no association with Ocado. This integration took a lot of inspiration from ha-email-sensor so has a similar configuration


Example mushroom-template-card

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: Edit Order Until
secondary: |
  {{ states.sensor.ocado_tracking.attributes['Edit Until Date'] }}
  {{ states.sensor.ocado_tracking.attributes['Edit Until Time'] }}
icon: mdi:note-edit
multiline_secondary: true
  action: none
  action: none
  action: none


  • Download, unzip and copy the ocado folder in your 'config/custom_components' folder
  • Edit your '/config/configuration.yaml' file and add the following in your sensor section
  - platform: ocado
    email: email@account
    password: email_password


Name Type Requirement default Description
email string Required email address
password string Required email password
imap_server string Optional imap.gmail.com IMAP server address
imap_port number Optional 993 IMAP port
folder string Optional INBOX Which folder to pull emails from
ssl boolean Optional true enable or disable SSL when using IMAP
days_old number Optional 7 how many days of emails to retrieve

Exposed Sensors

Name Description
Email Received Date Email date and time that information was parsed from
Delivery Date Delivery date for example; Saturday 10 March
Delivery Time Delivery Time for example; 8:30pm - 9:30pm
Edit Until Date Date that Order can be edited until, example; Thursday 09 March
Edit Until Time Time that Order can be edited until, example; 23:30
Edit Countdown Minutes Countdown until Order editing closes, making it easier to build alert automations
To add a sensor use the following syntax;
{{ states.sensor.ocado_tracking.attributes['Edit Countdown Minutes'] }}

Example of automation

Integration will poll the IMAP server every 10 minutes, so bear this in mind when making automations
Edit Countdown Minutes provides a simple minutes countdown to make it easy to build alert automations without faffing around with dates and times


If you enjoy this integration please consider buying me a coffee!
