
This is the source for TurtleBot, used on the TurtleCoin discord server

Setting Up

This bot uses .NET Core 2.0. To install, use the following link: https://www.microsoft.com/net/learn/get-started/ and select the instructions relevant to your OS.

For an IDE I recommend Visual Studio Code.


Get a bot token by making an app (instructions here)

Create a file called config.json with the following contents

  "token": "<your token here>",
  "tags": {
    "use": {
      "approvedRoles": [ <approved role IDs for use here> ],
      "approvedUsers": [ <approved user IDs for use here> ]
    "edit": {
      "approvedRoles": [ <approved role IDs for edit here> ],
      "approvedUsers": [ <approved user IDs for edit here> ]
	"permittedChannels": [ <channel IDs tags are allowed in here> ]
  "stars": {
    "minimumThreshold": <minimum number of stars required to post something to the starboard>,
    "starboardChannelId": <the ID of the starboard channel>,
    "excludedChannels": [ <channels that should not be included here> ],
    "excludedRoles": [ <roles that are not allowed to participate here> ], 
    "ban": {
      "approvedUsers": [ <users that are allowed to ban people from the starboard here> ],
      "approvedRoles": [ <roles that are allowed to ban people from the starboard here> ]
    "lock": {
      "approvedUsers": [ <users that are allowed to lock the starboard here> ],
      "approvedRoles": [ <roles that are allowed to lock the starboard here> ]
  "database": {
    "connectionString": "Filename=TurtleBot.db" //Or any other database name/SQLite conenction string you desire


Further instructions vary by your IDE. Project should open up straight away and be ready to go in VS Code.