
This is easy and flexible GitHub workflow example with CI/CD scheme stage/alpha/production. In this example we run GitHub runners and trigger deploy jobs by pull requests

1. Build runners

Go to Settings > Actions > Runners

Click "New self-hosted runner" button

Go to terminal. Add stage, alpha and prod runners use config tokens below

Replace {password} and {token} arguments in code below. Every runner must have personal token

Don't forget change my repository link in Dockerfile: https://github.com/CaptainOmega/test-github-workflows

Build stage image

docker build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg deploy_user_password={password} --build-arg runner_name=stage --build-arg runner_token={token} -t ubuntu-stage-server:1.0.0 .

Build alpha image

docker build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg deploy_user_password={password} --build-arg runner_name=prod --build-arg runner_token={token} -t ubuntu-alpha-server:1.0.0 .

Build prod image

docker build --no-cache --platform linux/amd64 --build-arg deploy_user_password={password} --build-arg runner_name=prod --build-arg runner_token={token} -t ubuntu-prod-server:1.0.0 .

2. Start runners

Install Docker Compose

And then run command

docker-compose up

After that runners must be registered Runners

3. Add environments

Go to Settings > Environments. Here we need create stage/alpha/prod environments. Click "New environment" button

Here we need types three secrets for Docker registry:



After this manipulations we must get this Environments

4. Add branch rules

We need create branch alpha in GitHub repository

Here i'am use base branches for deployment:

  • master (for production deploy)
  • alpha (for demo deploy)

So we need add branch rules in Settings > Branches

Click "Add rule" button

And here we create protected master and alpha rules with same parameters. Check option "Require a pull request before merging" and "Require status checks to pass before merging"


After this actions it must looks like this:


5. Make pull requests

Now we can make pull request in our base branches (master/alpha), that start building in stage runner, deploy to stage machine and call test checking Build

After worflow successfully finished we can merge pull request, this trigger prod/alpha deploy jobs

Prod deploy

In this example i'am use fake job steps like:

echo "docker login --username ${{ secrets.CI_REGISTRY_USER }} --password ${{ secrets.CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}"

This is just example, if we want use Docker registry in our build, it must be like that:

docker login --username ${{ secrets.CI_REGISTRY_USER }} --password ${{ secrets.CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD }}


In conclusion we get easy and comfortable workflow that allow build Docker image, run tests and make stage/alpha/production deploy. We can combine workflow with Docker Hub and other tools