
Convert qb-inventory to qs-inventory

Primary LanguagePython

Convert qb-inventory to qs-inventory.


The preferred method of installation is to use the executables located in the releases section. However, if you prefer using the Python scripts, make sure you have Python 3.9.15 installed.

If you want to run the converter from the source code, follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/CaptainStabs/qb-to-qs-inventory.git
cd qb-to-qs-inventory
pip install -r requirements.txt

Important Note

After exporting the files from the database, open them in a text editor and ensure there is no null present. If found, perform the following replacements using find-and-replace:

,null, -> ,

[null, -> [

Inventory Conversion

  1. Run query

     SELECT citizenid, inventory FROM players;
  2. Export result with TablePlus (Preferred over HeidiSQL, HeidiSQL export is untested), using the following settings image

  3. Move the exported file into the same working directory as player_converter.exe

  4. In the command line, run player_converter.exe <filename>

    The default filename is players.csv, so if you named it that, you can just run player_converter.exe If you are running them through Python, do python player_converter.py <filename>

  5. Import the CSV into players table in database. (I converted the csv into a sql update statement)

Stash Conversion

  1. Run query

    SELECT * FROM stashitems;
  2. Export the results as before, following steps 2-3 for inventory conversion

  3. In the command line, run stash_converter.exe <filename>

    Default filename is stashitems.csv

  4. Import into inventory_stash

Trunk conversion

  1. Run query

    SELECT * FROM trunkitems;
  2. Export the results.

  3. In the command line, run trunk_glove_converter.exe <filename>

  4. Import the resulting file into inventory_trunk table

Glovebox Conversion

  1. Run query
    SELECT * FROM gloveboxitems;
  2. Export the results
  3. In the commandline, run trunk_glove_converter.exe <filename>
  4. Import the resulting file into inventory_glovebox

Building from Source

  1. Clone the repo and CD into each tool individually
  2. Run the following, replacing the path with the path to the numpy binary libopenblas64__v0.3.23-293-gc2f4bdbb-gcc_10_3_0-2bde3a66a51006b2b53eb373ff767a3f.dll (or whatever it is for your version):
pyinstaller --onefile --add-binary="C:/Users/User/miniconda3/envs/converter/Lib/site-packages/numpy.libs:." <script>