
An ERC-721 Raffle Smart Contract

Primary LanguageSolidity

ERC721 Raffle System 📜 ERC721 Raffle System

This is a smart contract that implements an ERC-721 Raffle System. It allows for the creation and management of multiple concurrent raffles. Users can buy tickets for a raffle, and at the end of the raffle, a winner is selected using a binary search algorithm.

Code Snippet


This contract requires the following dependencies:

  • OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.3.0
  • OpenZeppelin Contracts-upgradeable v4.3.0

Usage 📐

  1. Deploy RaffleSystem & RaffleExtended contracts.
  2. Initialize the RaffleSystem contract with the following parameters:
    • token: The address of the ERC20 token used for payment.
    • maxEntriesPerPurchase: The maximum number of entries a user can purchase in a single transaction.
  3. The contract owner can add or remove admin addresses using the addAdmin and removeAdmin functions.
  4. Admins can start a new raffle using the startRaffle function. They need to own the prize NFT for the raffle.
    • Parameters:
      • price: The price for a single entry in the raffle.
      • payableWithERC20: Whether users can pay with ERC20 tokens or Ether.
      • duration: The duration of the raffle in seconds.
      • prizeNFTContract: The address of the prize NFT contract.
      • prizeNFTTokenId: The token ID of the prize NFT.
  5. Users can buy tickets for a raffle using the buyTicket function.
    • Parameters:
      • raffleId: The ID of the raffle to buy tickets for.
      • entryCount: The number of entries to buy.
  6. The raffle owner or admin can end a raffle using the endRaffle function.
    • Parameters:
      • raffleId: The ID of the raffle to end.
      • seed: A random number used to select the winning entry.
  7. The contract owner can withdraw all funds from the contract using the withdrawAll function.
  8. The contract owner can withdraw ERC20 tokens from the contract using the withdrawToken function.
    • Parameters:
      • amount: The amount of ERC20 tokens to withdraw.

Functions of RaffleSystem 💾

startRaffle(uint128 _price, bool _payableWithERC20, uint64 _duration, address _prizeNFTContract, uint32 _prizeNFTTokenId)

function startRaffle(uint128 _price, bool _payableWithERC20, uint64 _duration, address _prizeNFTContract, uint32 _prizeNFTTokenId) public
  • Description: Starts a new raffle.
  • Parameters:
    • _price: The price for a single entry in the raffle.
    • _payableWithERC20: Whether users can pay with ERC20 tokens or Ether.
    • _duration: The duration of the raffle in seconds.
    • _prizeNFTContract: The address of the prize NFT contract.
    • _prizeNFTTokenId: The token ID of the prize NFT.

endRaffle(uint32 _RaffleId, uint256 seed)

function endRaffle(uint32 _RaffleId, uint256 seed) public
  • Description: Ends a raffle and determines the winner.
  • Parameters:
    • _RaffleId: The ID of the raffle to end.
    • seed: A random winning entry.

buyTicket(uint32 _RaffleId, uint32 entryCount)

function buyTicket(uint32 _RaffleId, uint32 entryCount) public payable
  • Description: Allows users to buy entries in a raffle.
  • Parameters:
    • _RaffleId: The ID of the raffle to buy entries for.
    • entryCount: The number of entries to buy.


function withdrawAll() public payable onlyOwner
  • Description: Withdraws all the funds (including ERC20 tokens and Ether) from the contract.

withdrawEth(uint256 amount)

function withdrawEth(uint256 amount) public payable onlyOwner
  • Description: Withdraws the specified amount of Ether from the contract.
  • Parameters:
    • amount: The amount of Ether to withdraw.

withdrawToken(uint256 amount)

function withdrawToken(uint256 amount) public payable onlyOwner
  • Description: Withdraws the specified amount of ERC20 tokens from the contract.
  • Parameters:
    • amount: The amount of ERC20 tokens to withdraw.

addAdmin(address _admin)

function addAdmin(address _admin) public onlyOwner
  • Description: Whitelists the provided address as an admin.
  • Parameters:
    • _admin: The address to whitelist as an admin.

removeAdmin(address _admin)

function removeAdmin(address _admin) public onlyOwner
  • Description: Removes the provided address from the admin role.
  • Parameters:
    • _admin: The address to remove from admin.

raffleExists(uint32 _RaffleId)

function raffleExists(uint32 _RaffleId) public view returns (bool)
  • Description: Checks whether the raffle exists with the provided ID.
  • Parameters:
    • _RaffleId: The ID of the raffle to validate.
  • Returns: Whether the raffle exists.

getTotalParticipants(uint256 _RaffleId)

function getTotalParticipants(uint256 _RaffleId) public view returns (uint256)
  • Description: Gets the number of total participants in a raffle.
  • Parameters:
    • _RaffleId: The ID of the raffle to get the total participants of.
  • Returns: The number of participants in the raffle.


function getOngoingRaffles() public view returns (uint256[] memory)
  • Description: Gets all the IDs of ongoing raffles.
  • Returns: An array containing the IDs of ongoing raffles.


function getEndedRaffles() public view returns (uint256[] memory)
  • Description: Gets all the IDs of ended raffles.
  • Returns: An array containing the IDs of ended raffles.

Functions of RaffleExtended 💾


function getOnGoing() public view returns (RaffleSystem.Raffle[] memory)
  • Description: Retrieves an array of all ongoing raffles.
  • Returns: An array of RaffleSystem.Raffle structs representing the ongoing raffles.


function getEnded() public view returns (RaffleSystem.Raffle[] memory)
  • Description: Retrieves an array of all ended raffles.
  • Returns: An array of RaffleSystem.Raffle structs representing the ended raffles.

getMyEntries(uint256 raffleId)

function getMyEntries(uint256 raffleId) public view returns (uint256)
  • Description: Retrieves the number of entries held by the caller in a specific raffle.
  • Parameters:
    • raffleId: The ID of the raffle to get the number of entries for.
  • Returns: The number of entries held by the caller in the specified raffle.

getRecentEntries(uint256 raffleId, uint256 query, uint256 cursor)

function getRecentEntries(uint256 raffleId, uint256 query, uint256 cursor) public view returns (Purchase[] memory)
  • Description: Retrieves an array of the most recent entries bought for a specific raffle.
  • Parameters:
    • raffleId: The ID of the raffle to get the entries for.
    • query: The number of most recent entries to fetch.
    • cursor: The cursor for the last query (to be used in case multiple reads are performed).
  • Returns: An array of Purchase structs representing the most recent entries.

Events ⏰

The contract emits the following events:

  • RaffleStarted(uint256 indexed raffleId, uint256 price, uint256 endTime, Prize rafflePrize): Triggered when a new raffle is started.
  • Winner(uint256 indexed raffleId, address winner): Triggered when a raffle is ended and a winner is selected.


  • ERC20 Support
  • Cursor for getRecentEntries function in RaffleExtended.
  • Support for ERC1155 Raffles
  • Support for Eth Raffles