Wii version of the REL template

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Twilight Princess - REL

This is a template repository for you to create your very own Twilight Princess mod and provide a simple start to write your code. Kind of like a "hello world" for TP.

Project Structure

├───externals/              // Submodules or other dependencies are placed here
│   │   ├───libtp_rel/
│   │   │   ├───include/    // Library Header files
│   │   │   ├───source/     // Library source files
├───assets/                 // Additional resources that are not code
│   ├───banner.raw          // Game banner for the Savefile
│   ├───*.lst          	    // Symbol:Address pairs for each version of the game
├───bin/                    // Binary files and scripts
│   ├───elf2rel             // Linux Binary of elf2rel (outdated)
│   ├───elf2rel.exe         // Windows "
│   ├───gcipack.py          // Packs a REL into a GCI
│   ├───nandpack.py         // Packs a REL into a Wii save file (.bin)
├───docs/                   // Doxygen Output folder; can be used for GitHub pages - change in doxygen.conf
├───include/                // Your Header (.h) files
├───source/                 // Your Source (.cpp) files
├───Makefile                // Build script
├───.clang-format           // clang-format configuration file
├───doxygen.conf            // doxygen configuration file

Getting started

This repository provides you with a solid start, you should use the predefined main function as an entry point to your mod... Please check Lines 12 through 26 in the Makefile to change some of the definitions and names.

You can refer to the Randomizer Project for reference.



Our wiki is meant to be a central source of information for TP with a slightly technical focus we provide the most crucial information such as Stages & Rooms or item ids. If you're looking for information you should be looking there or ask in the dev discord.

Coding guidelines

If you intend to share this code with the @zsrtp community, please follow the guidelines as strictly as possible.



You need to have git installed (windows)

Open a CMD and navigate to where you want your code to be:

C:\>mkdir Code
C:\>cd Code
C:\Code>git clone https://github.com/kipcode66/REL.git
Cloning into REL
remote: Enumerating objects: 132, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (132/132), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (87/87), done.
remote: Total 132 (delta 56), reused 98 (delta 29), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (132/132), 1.24 MiB | 6.45 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (56/56), done.

Download and upate libtp_rel

C:\Code>git submodule init
C:\Code>git submodule update --remote




*devkitPro comes with it s own MSys2 shell, it is recommended to use it for compilation.

This is an example of how to build for the NTSC-U version of the Game

$ cd /c/Path/To/REL
$ make us0
linking ... REL.us0.elf
output ... REL.us0.rel
packing ... REL.us0.bin

The REL.us0.bin (other versions are: us2, jp, and eu) file is now containing our custom REL. Load it with the REL Loader cheat or a hacked save file that contains the loader, it can be found on the rando homepage.

This mod is powered by libtp_rel and licensed under GPLv3 | (C) AECX, LunarSoap, Zephiles, kipcode66