
Übersicht Widget for kwm users that tries to recreate behavior of polybar+i3wm

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript


Polybar-kwm is an Übersicht widget that tries to recreate the same behavior as polybar on macOS for kwm




  • Workspaces
    • with highlight of current active space
  • Volume
  • CPU Usage
  • Disk Usage
  • Current Connected Wifi
  • Battery
  • Date
  • Time


git clone git@github.com:CaptnBlubber/Polybar-kwm.git ~/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/polybar

Download (or clone) this repository and place the contents inside a folder called polybar in your Übersicht widgets directory. By default the widget folder is located here: ~/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets


This Widget uses SauceCodePro from nerd-fonts. You can easily install them using brew:

brew tap caskroom/fonts
brew cask install font-sourcecodepro-nerd-font


The Bar will display where the macOS default menu bar is located. Therefore you have to configure the bar to hide itself: System Preferences -> General -> Automatically hide and show the menu bar

Make sure your namespaces are named in kwm. Example:

kwmc config space 0 1 name " Web"
kwmc config space 0 2 name " Chat"
kwmc config space 0 3 name " Code"

Additionally I recommend to set a top spacing in kwm. My configuration:

kwmc config padding 32 8 8 8


  • Now Playing
  • chunkwm. Not sure yet if I will let this support both wm's or create a seperate Widget for it.

Known Issues

After reboot all Spaces will be shown as [no tag]. This is due to how kwm currently works. Simply switch to every space once and kwm will have the proper names.


If you find a bug or have any questions about Polybar-kwm, submit an issue.