
Yabai Compatability

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hey, I know it's been a while since you (at least publically) have contributed to this repo, but do you have any plans to implement something similar for yabai? If not, I'll see what I can figure out to get it to work with yabai.

I dropped macOS 2 years ago and switched over to Linux.
With the deprecation of kwm I think it makes sense to migrate over to yabai.
I had a quick look on the documentation and it seems like everything is still supported (see:

The file that needs to be changed in this repository is the on the top in the commands section both commands need to be changed.

As for listing the spaces i think yabai -m query --spaces is the new correct command. You need to check the output though as this might have changed (old format: list.split(/\d, /g))

As for getting the currently active space yabai -m query --spaces --space | jq .index should be the new command to get the index.

I unfortunately do not have any Hardware anymore to test it out myself but feel free to ask for help during migration if anythying else is unclear. Feel free to leave a PR aswell

I figured it out not long after posting it! But I just want to double check: it's not supposed to be able to switch spaces by pressing on the space label, right? It just shows what space I am currently on?