
Install brew packages using dotbot

Primary LanguagePython

Dotbot brew plugin

Plugin for dotbot that adds brew and cask directives. It allows installation of packages using brew and brew cask on OS X. In case brew is not installed, it will be automatically loaded and configured. The plugin itself is pretty silly as it doesn’t handle updates and fails on unsupported operating systems.


Just add it as submodule of your dotfiles repository.

git submodule add https://github.com/d12frosted/dotbot-brew.git

Modify your install script, so it automatically enables brew plugin.

"${BASEDIR}/${DOTBOT_DIR}/${DOTBOT_BIN}" -d "${BASEDIR}" --plugin-dir dotbot-brew -c "${CONFIG}" "${@}"


In your install.conf.yaml use brew directive to list all packages to be installed using brew. The same works with cask and brewfile. For example:

- brewfile:
    - Brewfile
    - brew/Brewfile

- tap:
    - caskroom/fonts

- brew:
    - git
    - git-lfs
    - emacs --with-cocoa --with-gnutls --with-librsvg --with-imagemagick --HEAD --use-git-head

- brew: [gnupg, gnupg2]

- cask: [colorpicker, vlc]