
A fusion of .NET and Node.js that support script evaluation and rendering universal react components

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A fusion of .NET and Node.js that support script evaluation and rendering universal react components.

The core Convergence package is library agnostic and can be easily extended to work with Angular, Vue, etc.

The React Convergence package extends the core library with React specific environments and helpers.

Convergence uses the edge open source project as its script engine and is optimized for performance.



install-package Convergence

React for Mvc (.NET Framework)

install-package Convergence.React


Render Universal React Components

// Index.cshtml

    // Enable React Hydration 
    // Prepare Redux State
    var state = @Html.WaitScript("Components.Name.Init(parms, edgeDone);", "init");

@Html.ReactComponentWithJsonProps("Components.Name.App", state.ToString())

Hydrate all of your components when after the DOM has loaded

// _Layout.cshtml


Getting Started

Convergence isolates its runtime environment by request via Dependency Injection.

The first step is to configure your node environment and register it with your container:

// create a custom node environment
var nodeConfiguration = new NodeConfiguration();

    // your dependencies and components
    // bootstrap globals to locals


Then register the remaining dependencies...

container.RegisterType<INodeEnvironmentPool, NodeEnvironmentPool>();
container.RegisterType<IUniversalReactEnvironment, UniversalReactEnvironment>(new PerRequestLifetimeManager()); 

Now you can access the node environment from your controllers...

public class HomeController : Controller
    private readonly IUniversalReactEnvironment _environment;
    public HomeController(IUniversalReactEnvironment environment)
        _environment = environment;

    public ActionResult Index()
        // do some math
        var result = await _environment.RunAsync<string>("'2 + 2 = ' + (2 + 2)", "math");
        return View(result);

Or from your views with our MVC Helpers...

<div>@Html.RunScript("'5 + 2 = ' + (5 + 2)", "math")</div>

For more details checkout the examples folder.


  • Convergence 1.0.0
  • Convergence.React 1.0.0
