CardanoSharp.Wallet is a Cardano Cryptographic and Serialization library for .NET applications.
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transaction submit era mismatchEraMismatch {ledger Name = "Babbage", other Name = "Alonzo"}
#144 opened by hparsafar - 3
Address service is removed in v5.0.1
#143 opened by hparsafar - 7
blazor wasm dotnet 7 (not a issue, but a remark)
#114 opened by cmorgado - 4
CIP 8 - Message Signing
#54 opened by nothingalike - 3
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Plutus Script Support
#99 opened by nothingalike - 1
CoinSelection-UseRandomImprove: "The binary key cannot have an odd number of digits" - testnet env
#115 opened by JhonatanMdz - 0
- 0
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How to generate skey compatible with cardano-cli
#109 opened by AdamMachera - 1
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derive public key hash in c#
#105 opened by AdamMachera - 1
preprod and preview networks not supported
#96 opened by eddex - 1
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CIP 1854 - Multi-signatures HD Wallets
#57 opened by nothingalike - 0
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Readme out of date
#87 opened by pochocosta - 0
Mock Witnesses are left in transaction
#85 opened by nothingalike - 4
Address constructor input validation
#48 opened by pszeder - 7
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How to differentiate Testenet from Mainnet?
#81 opened by Spoiledpay - 1
Fee Calculation higher than expected
#77 opened by safestak-keith - 1
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Differences between 2.0.0 and newer
#75 opened by danbigthink - 6
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Incorrect NativeScript CBOR Serialization for ScriptAll/ScriptAny/ScriptNofK
#73 opened by safestak-keith - 1
Derive Reward (aka Stake) Address from Base Payment Address in IAddressService
#63 opened by safestak-keith - 4
WordList lookup for pre-loading allWords
#12 opened by safestak-keith - 1
Bech32.IsValid only works for bech32-encoded addresses and not other entities
#58 opened by safestak-keith - 2
Token metadata JSON asset name field cannot be defined using anonymous type object.
#60 opened by CodeBlitz - 0
Issue with Version
#47 opened by safinahmed - 4
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- 1
improve Bech32 encode / decode
#15 opened by tweakch - 5
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Improve NativeScript
#20 opened by tweakch - 3
daedalus address to bytes
#35 opened by avolkov-dev - 3
KeyService thread/concurrency safety
#10 opened by safestak-keith - 4
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Using paymentPub and paymentPrv key values as VKey and SKey values throws System.ArgumentException in Chaos.NaCl.Ed26519.Sign during witness creation
#29 opened by shawnsblog - 3
AddressService.GetAddressBytes does not exists
#25 opened by shawnsblog - 6
Address validity
#27 opened by avolkov-dev - 1
Improve `TransactionBuilder`
#21 opened by tweakch - 2
transaction hash calculation
#24 opened by avolkov-dev - 0
Derive Entropy Lengths
#13 opened by nothingalike - 1