Dog Poster Generator Description

  • Created a React project and setup TypeScript engine.
  • Installed Mui node module and set the theme configuration.
  • Structured the whole project with layouts, pages, components, types and so on.
  • Used Dog apis with this link:
  • Setup redux flow to the project for managing application states.
  • Display dog data from the server in to the MUI table. Created a Table component made it as a re-usable component. Using it on Home page.
  • Created Breed images dialog and displaying breed images with Grid view.
  • Used React.suspense for lazy loading component
  • Created a mainLayoutWrapHOC
  • Setup jest testing environment and add an unit test case for Header component

Launch Script

Start up the project

This script will launch the project with 3001 port

npm run start

Other scripts

npm run preinstall
npm run build
npm run test
npm run eject
npm run unit-test

Mock server start script

json-server --watch src/mock/db.json