
Milestone Project 1, Code Institute

Primary LanguageHTML

Wingman`s Brygge

True passion for exclusive and well made beer.


View the live project here

Table of Contents

Introduction & Project Goals

Who is The Wingmans? The Wingmans are two middle-aged men who just loves beer! So they made it their hobby. They love to discover new tastes, recreate them or make a brand new. They also love to meet new people and are often spotted in the local bar - with a beer.

This project`s goal is to help the site owners - the founders of Wingmans, to achieve their goal of inspiring others with their passion for home brew, and maybe along the way make some new acquaintances.

This is the first of four Milestone Projects that I (the developer) must complete during my Full Stack Web Development Program at The Code Institute, and I´m very grateful for The Wingmans trust in me for makeing their first website.

The main requirements in this project is to make a responsive and static website with a minimum of three pages, using primarily HTML5 and CSS3.

Note; the review section is fictional as this is a new approach for The Wingmans.  
It needed to be included as part of the assessment criteria. 
But is highly relevant as it will be updated with real reviews in the future.


User Stories

  • As a user I want to see a nice and inspiring website who makes me want to learn more about home brew
  • As a user I want to know the founders vision
  • As a user I want to see pictures of the founders and the home brew in action
  • As a user I want to read reviews from others who have had contact with the founders
  • As a user I want the ability to contact the founders for questions and guidance, and I also want the ability to let them contact me by leaving my e-mail address.

Development planes

In order to create a website that fulfilled the expectations as described above, I worked closely with the founders throughout the process.


Divided into two categories, the website will focus on the following target audiences:

  • Demographic:

    • 25 - 55 year olds
    • Particularly interested in homebrew
  • Psychographics:

    • Personality & Attitudes:

      • Quality conscious
      • Social
    • Values:

      • Appreciates new acquaintances
      • You only live once
    • Lifestyles:

      • Beer lovers

User Goals

  • Find inspiration for home brew
  • Images of home brew, the process, different beer types and equipment
  • Links to other social media for further inspiration
  • Ability to contact Wingmans directly by phone or email
  • Ability to get the steps for success directly from Wingmans by entering an e-mail address in the contact page and push Start brewing with Wingman`s!

Site Owner Goals

  • Inspire others with their work and passion for home brew
  • Help others get started with home brew
  • Establish contact with others who share their passion


User Requirements And Expectations

  • Content that is visually appealing and well structured
  • Easy to navigate the website using the navbar
  • Easy to read typography
  • Operational links to other pages that open in a new tab
  • Operational contact form for e-mail address input
  • The website is quick to load


Wireframes are made in Figma. This was a really nice program to check out different styles and how the final result would look like on different screensizes.

Design for desktop devices:





All designs for desktop, tablet and phone in Figma here.


The design of this website has been created based on the logo of Wingmans and the personality of the founders.

As the site is ment to be an inspiration-page, but not with to much content as the founders also want to establish contact with others who may have, or in the future might get, the same passion; it was importent to keep the site simple and clean.

Index page - contains only the navbar and footer who is the same at all pages, in addition to the logo. The Wingmans logo are used on all their beer labels and i think its a good first impression to the site.

About page - an evocative image at the top with a following introduction where you get an insight to the founders vision, and also what they look like. Then a review section at the end, where others share there experiance on how the collaboration with The Wingmans has been.

Gallery page - representative images of Wingman's in action, process and equipment. Here you can get to know them a little bit more, by looking at non-styled real images taken by the founders them self.

Contact page - contains a contact form where you can contact the founders by typing your your email in the input field. There is also a possibility to write them something if you wish. The background has an exclusive wallpaper to break a little from the other pages, and to create an evocative user.

  • Fonts
    Google Fonts: Open Sans, sans-serif.

  • Icons
    Fontawsome provided the icons for Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat + Hand point on founders page.

  • Colours
    All the colours were taken from the logo to ensure a harmonious expression.

    • Contact bg/text: Jet 383737 / Black 000000
    • Navigation/footer: Ochre C7782B
    • Background: Banana Mania FFEBB9

    Color Scheme from Coolors;



Each page of the website features a consistent responsive navigational system:

The Header contains the name of The Wingmans at the left, and the navbar at the right on large screen sizes. When down to medium or less, the navbar collapses but the name remains at the left. The Footer fills one line on large screens, but stack on top of each other on medium or less screen size.

Features that have been implemented:

  • Easy to navigate on all screensizes.
  • Social media links for more inspiration and more knowledge of who the founders is.
  • Link to Taplist On Taplist you can watch real-time what beer the Wingmans have on their tap, and how much! Up for a taste?
  • Contact form with submit button. Here you can get the steps for success, ask questions, or just say hello.
  • About Us page where you get to know the vision of the founders.
  • Reviews Section where you can get an impression of how it is to collaborate and speak with the founders.

Features that will be implemented in the future:

  • Video blog / link to youtube
  • Logbook
  • Forum
  • Background music / button on-off
  • Taplist to be implemented on the site, and not open in a new tab



Tools / Libraries

  • Git
    Git was used for version control by utilizing the GitPod terminal to commit to Git and push to GitHub.
  • Bootstrap
    Bootstrap was used to implement the responsiveness of the site, with bootstrap classes.
  • Fontawsome
    Font Awesome was used on all pages throughout the website to import icons (e.g. social media icons) for UX purposes.
  • Google Fonts
    Google fonts was used to import the fonts "Open Sans", sans-serif into the style.css file.
  • Unsplash
    Unsplash was used for the hero image, reviews section as well as the background wallpaper on contact page.
  • Coolors
    Coolors was used to make the collorpallet.
  • Multi Device Mockup Generator
    Multi device mockup was used in order to see the responsive design throughout the process and to generate mockup image to readme file.


The testing process for me has been through the intire building of this project, as I wanted everything to be perfect before moving on. I have also worked closely with the founders with each step, to make sure that the site meets all the user stories criteria.

For HTML Validate I used The W3C Markup Validation Service.
For CSS I used The W3C CSS Validation Service.

Testing before deployment:

Index / Home validate - ok
Index validate

About US validate - error 4 times, before I understod that it was a space in the name of an image.
About validate

About US validate - ok, renamed the image
About validate 5

Gallery validate - ok
Gallery validate

Contact validate - ok
Contact validate

CSS validate - ok
CSS validate

Here I got two errors the first time, but forgot to take a printscreen. The first one was that I got an extra div I needed to delete, and the second was "spacing not allowed", removed the extra space.

I have tested the live site on different screens: iphone 6, 8, x and x plus - as well as tablet, desktop l and xl. I can see that it has some small alignment issues to be 100% perfekt, but I am happy with how it looks - for now.

Testing on both Safari and Google Crome, and working fine. I think maybe it loads a little to slow on gallery page.

Peer-code review - The text color is to light. I agree on that, but I had an issue/bug on that and couldent make it darker, description under "Bugs". I was also told that Taplist should not open in a new tab (bad UX), but be implemented to the site. I will implement taplist to be on the site in the future.

User testing feedback - "Think it would be nice if the name, The Wingmans, on the top left was centered". Only one of the people who was asked to review the site thought that, so I havent made any changes to that, as I personally thinks its nicer on the left.


It has been a large number of issues and bugs during the development of this website, the noteworthy below:

Footer - wouldent stay at the bottom, it was a tiny gap I needed my mentor to help me with. I was missing the class="h-100" in the html, and that combined with the class="footer mt-auto" it was pushed the final bit.

Contact form - this I needed to remake 3 times. Learned a lot in the proccess but would have made it a fourth time if I had the time before submit. It was not acting as I wanted it to, and make it perfectly align was hard, but I think it turned out ok in the end. I used bootstrap form, jumbotrone, but landed on container.

Toggler-icon - when trying to make the navbar darker, I removed the navbar-light. Then the toggler-icon disappeared, and the navbar-dark dit not work either as it made the text white. After several attempts and totaly messing up the css code I ended up adding it back on. I want to make it darker for better UX in the future.

Bootstrap script links - After peer code review I was told that the Bootstrap script links need to be at the bottom of the page. But when I do so, Bootstrap overrides the custom css, and the links turn blue. In the future I will figure out how to solve that and make it right.


Deploying on GitHub pages

To deploy on GitHub pages from it`s GitHub respository, the following steps were taken:

  1. Log into GitHub or create an account.
  2. Locate the GitHub Respository.
  3. At the top of the repository, select Settings from the menu items.
  4. Scroll down the Settings page to the "GitHub Pages" section and push the blue "Check it out here!" text.
  5. Under "Source" click the drop-down menu labelled "None" and select "Master".
  6. Select "save", and the page will automatically refresh meaning that the website is now deployed.
  7. Copy the deployed link to your live website!

Forking the Repository

By forking the GitHub Repository we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original repository by using the following steps:

  1. Log into GitHub or create an account.
  2. Locate the GitHub Respository.
  3. At the top of the repository, on the right side of the page, select "Fork".
  4. You should now have a copy of the original repository in your GitHub account.

Creating a Clone

How to run this project locally:

  1. Install the GitPod Browser Extension for Chrome.
  2. After installation, restart the browser.
  3. Log into GitHub or create an account.
  4. Locate the GitHub Respository.
  5. Click the green "GitPod" button in the top right corner of the repository. This will trigger a new gitPod workspace to be created from the code in github where you can work locally.

How to run this project within a local IDE, such as VSCode:

  1. Log into GitHub or create an account.
  2. Locate the GitHub Respository.
  3. Under the repository name, click "Clone or download".
  4. In the Clone with HTTPs section, copy the clone URL for the repository.
  5. In your local IDE open the terminal.
  6. Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory to be made.
  7. Type 'git clone', and then paste the URL you copied in Step 3.
git clone https://github.com/USERNAME/REPOSITORY  
  1. Press Enter. Your local clone will be created.

Further reading and troubleshooting on cloning a repository from GitHub here.


Content and text used in this website is written by me in collaboration with the founders of Wingmans; Frode Olsen-Ryum and Lars-Petter Reitan.

Setup and text in README.md

  • byllsa and Miranda for clear, neat and inspiring readme files.
  • Pumpkin for inspiration on user requirements and expectations section.
  • rebeccatraceyt for an exceptional readme file, and and especially the deployment section - who is a copy/paste on Forking the respository and Creating a Clone.


About page - images is provided by Unsplash. At the top from Fred, and reviews from Ivana, Atikh and Amir.

Contact page - background image by Pradnyal.


  • My mentor, Seun, for her indispensable guidance, motivation and magic trics along the way.
  • The Wingmans, for trusting me in making this website for them.
  • My husband and kids for their patience in this.
  • Friends and colleagues for their feedback along the way.