
Up-to-date information about downhill skiing resorts

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Skiers Destinations

Visit the live Skiers Destinations here

Up-To-Date information about Ski Resorts for downhill skiers who want inspiration for their next ski trip, compare different ski resorts or just want updated information about skiing conditions and/or weather forecast on a particular resort.

Browser requirements (at least version):
Chrome 58
Edge 14
Firefox 54
Safari 10
Opera 55



Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


External users goal

  • Based on a map easily find information and up-to-date facts about the best ski resorts in Europe.
  • Find inspiration were to go on ski holiday by comparing differents ski resorts when it comes to:
    • up-to-date information and facts
    • other users rating of resorts.
  • See how snow conditions develop over time by using the site frequently.
  • Find the weather forecast for a resort.

Site owners goal

To share information with other ski lovers, get inspired by their rating of resorts and get up-to-date information about skiing conditions and weather at favourite spots.

User stories

  • US_001: As a user I want to be able to navigate directly to the map.
  • US_002: As a user I want to be able to navigate directly to the rating list.
  • US_003: As a user I want to be able to navigate directly to contact form.
  • US-004: As a user I want to be able to get back easily to the top of the page.

implementation of navbar

  • US-005: As a user I want to know where good skiing places, in Europe, are situated in a map. In this way I know were in Europe the resort is situated.

Implementation of map

  • US_006: As a user I want a short description of a resort. In this way I can find out if I am more interested in a resort.
  • US_007: As a user I want up-to-date information about snow conditions at a resort. This is interesting to know if I am at the resort or on my way to the resort. If I am not going to the place it is interesting to follow the development of snow conditions and/or compare to other resorts.
  • US_008: As a user I want todays weather forecast at a resort. This is interesting to know if I am at the place or on my way to the place and want to know what to expect.

Implementation of short info, snow report and forecast information

  • US_009: As a user I want to be able to compare different ski resorts. Things to compare:

    • altitude at top and at base
    • number of slopes
    • number of lifts

    These things are interesting to know e.g. when you are deciding which resort you want to visit.

Implementation of infoWindows in map

  • US_010: As a user I want to know which skiing places other users rank as the best. And I will get inspired which resort to go to and perhaps discover a new resort I was not aware of. I can also compare a specific resorts ranking to a resort that I already know about.

Implementatin of rating list on larger viewports Implementation rating list on smaller viewports

  • US_011: As a user I want to be able to cast my own vote for a resort. And thus contribute to other users descision processes.

Implementation of voting

  • US_012: As a user I want to be able to see how I graded each resort. Thus I can compare my ranking between the resorts.
  • US_013: As a user I want to see the resulting top-list after I have casted my vote. If my vote affects the order of ski resorts, I want to see it immediately.

Implementation of list after voting

  • US-014: As a user I want to be able to submit my ratings to be added to the list.

Implementation of submitting votes

  • US-015: As a user I want to be able to influence which ski resorts are shown on the site. If I am interested in a particular ski resort that does not show on the page.

Implementation of form for resort wishes

  • US-016: As a user I want to be inspired to go skiing. And in this way I will be more interested and keen on finding out more about resorts.

Implementation of heading with carousel

User requirements and Expectations


  • Navigate the website using navbar
  • Carousel with photos in beginning of page to inspire users.
  • Markers at ski resorts in the map.
  • Beside marker: find short facts in InfoWindow about resort. Thus user is able to compare different resorts.
  • When user choose a resort: information, as forecast and snow conditions, for the resort are shown close to the map.
  • An updated list of the 10 most popular ski resorts with name of the place and its ranking.
  • Overall average grading is calculated from users input.
  • Grading is visualized with the number of stars and if applicable "half-star".
  • The 10-top list should be updated immediately when user grade a resort.
  • It is possible for same user to cast more votes if reloading the page.
  • Possibility to mail wish for other Ski Resort to be shown on the site. The input should include name of ski resort, why resort is interesting (reason), name of person who is mailing and persons mail address.


  • Content is visually satisfying and informative
  • Easily understandable navigation taking user to the correct place
  • Links and buttons work as espected
  • Responsive design fitting on mobile, tablet and desktop
  • Information about a ski resort is immediately shown when user has selected a resort.
  • Short information in map stays open until user selects to close the information.
  • Information beside/below the map is updated every time the user selects a new resort.
  • New average grade is correctly calculated after user graded a ski resort.
  • Updating of 10-top-list works after user grading.
  • Form validation works correctly


Balsamiq Wireframes was used to build rudimentary wireframes for a basic understanding. Wireframes were made for desktop, tablet and mobile:

Major changes compared to above wireframes

  • Added a carousel with pictures in top of page to inspire user and attract users.

Design Choices

  • Contents belonging to one another are surrounded by a blue border.
  • Younger user preferred the site to be one page: they did not want to many clicks, rather scroll, on smaller devices as mobile phones.
  • Rounded edges is a theme that gives a "softer impression".


Oswald is chosen, because it is found useful on different platforms, clean and easy to read. "Oswald is designed to be used freely across the internet by web browsers on desktop computers, laptops and mobile devices." (quote from Google fonts.

The alternative font is Open Sans.


I want the colors to match a day in the skiing slope: White for snow, light-blue for the sky and yellow for the sun.

  • Text to contrast lighter backgrounds: Raisin black #262730
  • Main background: White #ffffff
  • Framing as borders: Columbia blue #cae9ff
  • Details to stick out as buttons: Sunglow #fecf3e


  • Header:

    • navbar and logo fixed at the top of viewport:

      • logo: When hover over, it becomes larger
      • navbar: When hover over links, the font is bold

      implementation of navbar

      • If smaller width of device links are collapsed to a "hamburger" menu.

      Implementation of navbar, devices smaller width

    • Heading: explanatory title

    • Carousel with inspiring photos of skiing and/or Alps

    Implementation of heading with carousel

  • Map with markers on popular skiing resorts.

Implementation of map

  • Ski resort information, shown in connection with the map, eg. "static information as lat and long position", is for convenience, when adding more resorts, saved in a file: resorts.json. Information is fetched from this file when page is loaded.

  • Skiing-resort information matching the resort user has chosen in map:

    • Short information about resort, as altitudes, slopes and pists, in InfoWindow beside resorts marker. This information stays on screen as long as a user does not close the window.

    Implementation of infoWindows in map

    • More information, as information about the resort, snow report, wheather forecast and a link to page with more information, are shown in a larger information window. This information is changed every time user clicks on other resort. On devices with larger width the information is shown beside the map. With smaller widths the information is shown below the map.

    Implementation of long resort information

  • Table with top-10 skiing resorts, sorted with the best ranked resort in the top and the resort with lowest ranking in bottom.

    • On devices with larger width the information is shown in a table

    Implementatin of rating list on larger viewports

    • On smaller devices it is presented as "cards" that also are sorted in ranking order.

    Implementation rating list on smaller viewports

    • Ranking is visualized with stars:
      • The rankings integer is represented by full stars
      • If remainder is 0.75 or greater another full star is added
      • If remainder is between 0.25 and 0.75 a halv-star is added
      • The rest is represented by "empty stars" adding upp to 5

    Implementation of stars to visualize ranking

    • Possibility for user to do his/her own ranking of a place. When user has voted, the list is interactively sorted and updated on the page.

    Implementation of voting

    • Possibility for user to submit his/her votes to be added to the list:

    Implementation of submitting votes

      - **Modal** that informs how the submitting went.
      ![Implementation of modal](wireframes/modal.jpg)
  • File with javaScript for implementing the rating list-section of page: assets/js/rating.js - The code is stored in separate file to make it easier to find specific parts of the code and easier to add new code in the future. The rest of the JavaScript code is stored in assets/js/scripts.js. A negative effect is that the loading takes a little longer with two javascript-files compared to loading one file.

  • Input-form to suggest new ski resorts on the site.

    • Input fields:
      • Name of resort user wish to add - mandatory
      • The reason user wants to highlight to get resort added - voluntary
      • Name of person sending in wish - mandatory
      • Email address to person - mandatory and must contain an "@".
    • Submit button: when clicked, the information of the form is sent by email.
      • When hover over the button: background is changed to black and font to yellow
      • Modal: informing user if sending went well or not. (implementation looking very similar to modal after submitting votes)

Implementation of form for resort wishes

  • Footer with email contact information and social media:
    • Email address to get in touch with site owners
    • Social media links as facebook, twitter, linkedIn, instagram and youtube.
    • When hover over social media links icons are larger and background color is changed to Columbia Blue.

Implementation of footer


The site is design to fit devices with screen width from 320px and larger. The following features are designed differently for different devices:

  • Navbar: On screen widths smaller than 768px the navbar collapses into "hamburger" menu.
  • On smaller devices (smaller than 768px) user instruction is added above the map.
  • Resort information beside or below map: On larger screens with width over 768px longer resort information is shown to the right of the map. On smaller devices the information is shown below the map.
  • Rating list: On devices with screen smaller than 768px every resort with rating is shown in a "card-layout" ordered from highest ranked resort to lowest. On larger screens the information is presented in a table.
  • On very small devices (width less than 400px) the font size is 14px.

Interactive elements

  • The navbar and logo: to move around in the page
  • When clicking on marker for a resort in the map: Both short resort information and longer resort information appears. The short information is located in a infoWindow in the map and the longer information besides the map(if larger screens) or below map (if smaller screens). The longer information changes when user clicks on other marker. The shorter information stays as long as the user chooses.
  • User can cast a vote and rate ski resort and then:
    • The grade casted is visualized as stars.
    • A new average grading for the resort is calculated.
    • If the new average grading for resort affects the resorts place in rating list - the rating list is immediately updated.
  • User can submit his/her votes by mail by clicking on button, for later adding to average rating list.
  • User can submit a mail to wish adding of a ski resort to the page.

Features left to Implement

Adding a server:

  • to store the rating information in order for the user not having to email the votes. Instead the updating is done instantly to server as soon as user cast a vote.
  • to store and fetch the resorts in the map from

Technologies Used

Languages used

  • HTML
    • The perfect language to build a static site.
  • CSS
    • For styling the site
  • JavaScript
    • Bringing interactivity to the site.

Frameworks, Libraries and Programs used

  • GitPod
    • Git was used for version control by utilizing the GitPod terminal to commit to Git and push to GitHub.
  • GitHub
    • GitHub is used to store the code.
  • Bootstrap
    • A helpful HTML, CSS (and JS) library that is great for responsive design.
  • JQuery
    • The project uses JQuery to simplify DOM manipulation.
  • JSON
    • A data-interchange format used when retrieve information from other sources as Weather Unlocked
  • Fetch API
    • Fetch API provides an interface for fetching resources. In this project it is used for fetching data across the network from API sources but also to fetch from data file in this repository.
  • Jasmine
    • Supports behavior-driven development, makes it easy to build unit test.
  • Font-Awesome
    • From this library I picked the icons
  • Google fonts
    • For inspiration and fonts
  • Balsamiq Wireframes
    • For designing the wireframes
  • Coolors
    • To generate color-schemes
  • Emailjs
    • Used for sending email from "Add ski resort"-section

API (Application Programming Interfaces) used

  • Google Maps Platform
    • Provides the map and possibility to create markers and cluster of markers.
  • Wheater Unlocked
    • From this API up-to-date snow report and weather forecast for each resort is received.


The testing has mainly been conducted manually. Some automated testing was also developed.

The TDD, TestDriven Development, process was followed. The development/ implementation cycles have been very short and test cases have been developed/thought off, before code was implemented. 28 test cases are documented here: Test cases.

Before new code was commited, testing of all code developed earlier was tested again. And of course the automated tests were run repeatedly.

When all features were implemented and tested the following tests were performed:

  • Went througt the test cases, for functional testing and testing of responsiveness, as described below
  • HTML-code validated by W3S Markup validation service
  • CSS-cod validated by W3S CSS validation service
  • JavaScript-code validated by JSHint
  • The site was tested on different browsers, as described below
  • The deployed version was tested

Manual testing

The manually testing was performed regularly in an iterative manner adding a small part of code every time. Then thorough after all features were in place.

Automated testing

The tests were developed ahead of implementing features. And obviously the first tests failed all the time. Then features are implemented and automatically tested in an iterative process with small parts of code every time.

The following automated tests have been developed:

  • The calculation of new average rating when user casts av vote. The function is called calculateNewRating and belongs to the object: RatedResort.
  • Test that function hasVoted, belonging to Object: RatedResort, returns right value.
  • Automated testing have been used on following functions to test what happens if they are given wrong conditions as eg. something is wrong with input parameters (this was hard to test manually). The functions all belong to the object: RatedResort:
    • starsToHTML
    • rowToHTML
    • noVoteHTML

To run tests:

  • Follow this link Spec Runner
  • Start GitPod: Click on green button "GitPod"
  • Open "Preview to the Side" in GitPod (icon in top right corner)

Test cases/Scenarios

28 test cases with protocol for functional testing and test of responsiveness is documented here: Test cases Test of responsiveness was mainly performed with help of Chrome Developers Tool on a large scrren. But also with iPad mini and iPhone8.

UX testing

UX testing was conducted by watching and interviewing users when they used the page. Examples of issues/discussions:

  • Wish for a heading above map with resorts. (fixed)
  • User could submit/mail votes when no votes where casted. (fixed)
  • Discussed if user should be able to submit rating list several times instead of once. Decided that it is enough with once.
  • On smaller viewport widths, initial instruction is presented under the map (in larger viewports to the right).
    • Discussed with users if should move the initial instruction and also the longer information about resort to above the map instead.
    • Users wanted longer information below map. They wanted to see the map first.
    • The solution was to add a shorter version of user instruction above map for smaller screens.
  • Sometimes confusing that the list is updated as soon as user cast a vote. Especially if the resort moves up or down in rating list:
    • Users still wanted the list to be updated at once.
    • Did a trial where the "href was moved" to top of list after every time user casted a vote. The users thought it was better without this feature.
    • The solution was to add a "notice" above list.

Validation with W3S

  • HTML: Validated with no errors or warnings.
  • CSS: Validated with no errors or warnings.

Validation with JSHint

JavaScript validated with no errors.

  • There are five undefined variables (if you validate the both local js-files separatly):
    • google, $, MarkerClusterer and emailjs -These are all global variables from sources that are linked to the site.
    • sizeViewport: The variable is declared in rating.js and used also in scripts.js. Both files are implemented locally.
  • There are two unused variables:
    • clusterOfMarkers: used when call to a constructor from googles API. Must call constructor of MarkerClusterer to get cluster of markers in map.
    • initMap is a callback-function initiated from the HTML code.

Different browsers

The code is mainly tested with Chrome. But also Firefox and Safari.

  • According to W3 Schools the JavaScript code will probably not work well on browsers less than the following versions: Chrome 58, Edge 14, Firefox 54, Safari 10 and Opera 55. That are because following features from ECMAScriptS6 is used:
  • let
  • const
  • template literal syntax
  • arrow function

Some of the bugs

Example of solved bugs:

  • Problem with synchronously creating clusters and markers, in the map, using information that needs to be asynchronously fetched first. For each resort fetched asynchronously both snowreport information and then weather forecast must be fetched asynchronously from different resourses. And it is important to know that each fetch is done before next one starts. This was solved by using fetch.then and Promise.all.
  • To be able to calculate average rating the number of persons that have voted has to be known.
  • User could submit/email ratings when no votes were casted.
  • Placeholder of textarea in "wish-resort"-form did not show. It was due to spaces and linebreak between end of closing tag for textarea> and beginning of closing tag for </textarea. Found solution at Stackoverflow.

Remaining "bugs":

  • Sometimes a CORS, Cross Origin Resource Sharing,-problem appears when fetching information from API: Weather Unlocked. The problem happens randomly to different resorts. When the problem occurs, the user is informed which information that could not be fetched.

Information to user when fetch of forecast is failing

  • Files under assets/images/weather/ have capital letters. These files are copied from Weather Unlocked and the files are referred to in forecast information fetched from Weather Unlockeds API. The file names are not changed since information fetched referres to them with the capital letters.
  • The site has issues with cookies in cross-site requests, since SamSite attribute is not set.


Skiers Destinations was developed on GitPod GitPod, using git and GitHub to host the repository. The code was pushed to GitHub Pages.

Deploying the site

When deploying Skiers Destinations using GitHub Pages the following steps were made:

  • Opened up [GitHub](https://github.com/ in the browser and signed in.
  • Navigated to Skier Destinations repository
  • In the top navigation selected 'Settings'.
  • Scrolled down the Settings page until the "GitHub Pages" area was located.
  • Under "Source", the dropdown showing "None" was selected and then 'Master Branch' was chosen.
  • The selection was saved and the page automatically refreshened. And the published site is found by scrolling back down the "Settings" again to "GitHub Pages". Where it says "Your site is published at.."

Here is the live site: Skiers Destinations

Forking the GitHub Repository

A copy of the GitHub repository is made by forking the account. The copy can then be viewed and changed without affecting the original code. Forking is done by:

  • Log in to GitHub and locate Skiers Destination Repository
  • At top right above the "Settings button" find "Fork button"
  • Click on the "Fork" to create a copy in your own account.

Making a local clone

  • Log in to GitHub and locate Skiers Destination Repository
  • Under repository name, locate "Code" and click on it.
  • To the top right: locate green button called "Code" and click on the button.
  • There are some choices:
    • Checkout with SVN using web URL:
    • Using GitHub Desktop:
      • Save the clone directly by chosing "Open with GitHub Desktop"
    • Downloading zip file:
      • Select "Download ZIP" and all the files will be saved, zipped, to local computer.



  • The information about altitudes, nr of pists and slopes was received from Skiresort.info


The photos used in this site were obtained from:


I received inspiration for this project from:

Thanks to my mentor Simen Daehlien who has given me many good tips as Fetch, Arrow Function and also above youtube links.