Model Update View

Model Update View (MUV) is an architecture well suited for functional programming. It is also known as Elm architecture, named after the Elm language. Fable is a very popular F# to JS compiler. On top, there's Elmish, an extension that brings MUV to F#. For the view part, there's Elmish-React, using React to render HTML. A MUV program in its simplest form consists of a model, an update function returning a new model and a view rendering function. The MUV architecture is becoming increasingly popular in latest (web) frameworks and applied in e.g. React and Vue.js


In src and each sub-folder (except Navbar) there's a X - file detailing the tasks at hand. Start with 0 -

Building and running the app

  • Install JS dependencies: yarn install
  • Restore required tools: dotnet tool restore
  • Start dotnet fable watch src --run npm start (or run start task in VS Code)
  • Open your browser

Any modification you do to the F# code will be reflected in the web page after saving. Watch the console for error messages.