
Junit Extension in order to run test cases flexble

Primary LanguageJava

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This tool is a junit4 extension tool, which can help you run your test cases more flexible,

From technological level, this is a custom junit4 runner, which is more like Categories, but have done some modifications and adjustments:

  • Automatically find all the test cases. We know that when we use Categories , we must use SuiteClasses to collect how many case we want to run manually. While JCategory has helped you do this part automatically(Refer:ClasspathSuite).
  • Define all kinds of annotations which can be suitable for the test scenarios on agile/scrum mode or with a mass of test case.

Currently, it defined the following new annotations:

  1. Sprint - Mark which sprint the test case or feature was invovled
  2. UserStory - Mark which user story the case was tested or targeted. The benefit of this annotation can help us easily understand which feature the case was tested even after a long time
  3. Defect - If this is a regression case which cover a bug or there is a bug which would cause thiscase failed, we can use Defect annotation to mark it.

So with all these annotations, we can develop our test case as this:

public void testJCategory()
	// Case Logic

How to use it ?

After we marked our test cases with expected annotations, we can use JCategory to run test cases more flexible. We just need create a class, then use RunWith(JCategory.class) to decorate it, same with the usage of junit Categories.

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.jcj.jcategory.JCategory;

public class AllTestSuite

By default, it will run all the test cases.

Integrate with Junit Categories

JCategory also can work with junit Categoryies in order to collect the test case automaticallly. For example, if we only want to run the case was marked as BAT, we can do it like this:

import org.junit.experimental.categories.Categories;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Categories.IncludeCategory;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;
import com.jcj.jcategory.annotations.BAT;

public class RunBATTest

AllTestSuite is just the class we used in the previous example.

Include the case marked with the annotations: Sprint,UserStor or Defect

For example, we only want to run the test case under sprint 15.14:

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import com.jcj.jcategory.JCategory;
import com.jcj.jcategory.JCategory.IncludeSprint;

public class JCategoryTest {

Or, we want to run the test cases belong to User Story US40251 under sprint 15.14:

public class JCategoryTest {

Or only execute the regression tests for defect 2015:

public class JCategoryTest {

Exclude the case marked with the annotations: Sprint,UserStor or Defect

Same with junit Categories, we also can exclude the test cases that we do not want to run.

For example, not excute the test cases belong to sprint 15.14:

public class JCategoryTest {

Or not execute the test cases belong to user story 40255:

public class JCategoryTest {

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Email: jinsdu@outlook.com

Blog: http://www.cnblogs.com/jinsdu/