
Phonebook application which retrieves data from an API and then renders it.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Basic phonebook application which retrieves data from an API and then renders it


  • JS: Mithril
  • CSS: Tachyons
  • Build: Webpack


Using mithril and tachyons for that rapid prototyping goodness. Webpack for some simple bundling. Taychons is imported via the index.html file to keeps things even more simple


  1. Clone repo
  2. npm install
  3. npm start
  4. Open index.html


  1. Design: review markup and css
  2. TDD: Add unit tests
  3. Performance: Investigate split second lag for individual contact load
  4. UI: Remove filter option on individual contact view
  5. UI: Add 'no results found' message when user search returns nothing
  6. Refactor: Refactor contact-edit component to make it more modular
  7. Backend: Host own version of REM API on Heroku and edit contact data model