A Spring 6 RESTful API demo project with Spring Security Basic Authentication in order to access a MySQL database to read and update beer-related data. An additional H2 in-memory database is used to run the integration tests (under the "default" profile).
The Java section of the project is partly based on the following Spring Framework Guru Udemy tutorial: https://www.udemy.com/course/spring-framework-6-beginner-to-guru/learn/lecture/33399792?start=15#overview.
Steps required to run the application with MySQL:
Spin up a containerised MySQL server with the provide docker-compose file to create the MySql database container, initialised with the required schema and operational user:
cd docker/docker-compose; docker compose up
Start the Spring Boot application with the
profile when excuting the main class in order to have the MySQL database managed by Flyway, and validated by Hiberate. Additional beer data entries are added to the database by means of a CSV upload.
- Java 21
- Spring Boot 3.2.0
- JUnit 5
- MySQL 8.0
The application is also available as a Docker image generated via the automated build pipeline.
To run the application with the H2 in-memory database use default
for the PROFILE
variable, or localmysql
to use a
MySQL database:
docker container run -e PROFILE=<PROFILE> cadebe/spring-6-rest-mvc
For ease of use, the containerised application, together with a MySQL database, can be executed with the following docker-compose command:
cd docker/docker-compose; docker compose -f docker-compose.application.yml up
Get all beer entries:
curl -X GET localhost:8080/api/v1/beers | jq
Get a beer by name:
curl -X GET "localhost:8080/api/v1/beers?beerName=Porter" | jq
Get a beer by style:
curl -X GET "localhost:8080/api/v1/beers?beerStyle=SAISON" | jq
Create a new beer entry:
curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"beerName":"Alaskan Icy Bay","beerStyle":"IPA","upc":"100","price":12.00,"quantityOnHand":10}' localhost:8080/api/v1/beers
Get all customer entries:
curl -i -X GET --user admin:admin localhost:8080/api/v1/customers