By Brian Francisco, Chris Baird, Holly Nguyen, & Carlie Clippinger

Description is for all the indecisive people in the world that are tired of spending hours on end deciding where to eat. All you have to do is input what you feel like eating and give a location and our app will display a random restaurant one at a time until you find the one you like most.

Becoming a user on our app is as easy as clicking a button. All you have to do is sign in through Google. After that, you'll be able to favorite restaurants that you might want to try later. alt

Technologies Used

  1. HTML
  2. CSS/Jquery
  3. Node JS
  4. Mongoose
  5. Express JS
  6. OAuth 2.0
  7. AJAX
  8. Google Materialize
  9. Yelp Fusion API
  10. Google Maps API
  11. mLab

Getting Started

  1. The Website can be reached Here
  2. Trello can be reached Here
  3. Github can be reached Here
  4. Pitch deck can be reached Here
  5. Input what type of food you are looking and a location.
  6. See what fate gives you!
  7. Sign in with google to save favorite places.

Known bugs

  • Site is not responsive.
  • If any business does not provide longitude and latitude, a syntax error occurs

RESTful API Documentation

  • GET api/businesses
  • GET api/businesses/:id

Future updates

  • Ability to customize profile page
  • Add "likes" or "Votes" system
  • Ability to comment