
Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree, Project 5: Material Design

Primary LanguageJava


Udacity Android Nanodegree Project 5: Make Your App Material

My task for this project was to upgrade the material design of the application. I needed to transform the user experience of a news reading app using Material Design Principals. This included consistent and meaningful use of Material Design UI components, fonts, color, motion, and surfaces.


This app can:

  • Display a grid of news articles
  • Display a specific news article
  • Initiate a converstation with on of the user's contact

User Facing Screens

Main Activity (Phone)

Detail Activity (Phone)

Main Activity (Tablet)

Detail Activity (Tablet)

Libraries Used

  • Android Support
    • AppCompat
    • Design
    • Palette
    • RecyclerView
    • CardView
  • OkHttp
  • Volley


  • Republish of The Big Material Design Theory
    • Uploaded through more proper Git and GitHub channels to show proficiency in Git commits, pushes, pulls, etc.