
🟢 🟠 🔴 Personal Dotfiles.

Primary LanguageShell

🟢 🟠 🔴 Dots

This repository contains my personal dotfiles, managed by Dotdrop.


To install the dots repository in a new host you need to clone the Dotdrop submodule, the easiest way is use the --recurse-submodules flag. I install it in a Python virtualenv.

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Carlolius/dots.git
virtualenv -p python3 env
echo 'env' > .gitignore
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r dotdrop/requirements.txt

Then you need to configure your configure.yaml file adding a new profile, usually the hostname of the machine, and the dotfiles that you want in your new host.
Also can install with ./dotdrop.sh -p and add the profile you want to install (check configure.yaml).


As the submodule is installed in a virtualenv, you need to source the enviroment before using Dotdrop.

source env/bin/activate
./dotdrop.sh --help

To deactivate the enviroment use: deactivate


To check Dotdrop help. Here you can find the documentation.
./dotdrop.sh --help


To add new config files to your computer, edit configure.yaml with the desired dotfiles and install.
./dotdrop.sh install


To save new dotfiles to the cloud you need to use import with the name of the file.
./dotdrop.sh import ~/path/to/file/

Python update

When Python updates it can't find the shared libraries for the virtual env so it's necesary to delete and create a new one.

rm -r env/ # Path to the virtual env
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r dotdrop/requirements.txt