
wGeometry - Warcraft 3 Geometry module

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT

lua wGeometry

Geometry library implemented on Lua in OOP format. From tasty:

  • Functions - auxiliary functions such as cropping and calculating different types of interpolations
  • Vector3 - 3D vector class with overloaded math operators, support for 3D conversion from game structures and vice versa, interpolations, applications of spherical offsets, checks for being in a sphere and a box, matrix transformations and more
  • Matrix3 - a 3x3 matrix class with many different constructors such as rotation axes and a multiplication operator
  • Matrix4 is a 4x4 matrix class, it is the simplest one - with comparison and multiplication operators
  • Box - a class for working with cuboids, containing methods for obtaining volume, expansion, inclusion, intersection with other shapes, etc.
  • Sphere - a class for working with spheres, containing methods for obtaining volume, inclusion, intersection with other figures, etc.
  • Ray - a class for working with rays and getting intersection points with objects
  • Camera - a class for storing data about the camera and the ability to convert window coordinates and scene coordinates between themselves
  • toGrid methods for building shapes from a vertex grid It can work in the mode of a normal object or in the WLPM mode of a module (it is determined automatically).


Copy code from /src and use wGeometry global

OR use WLPM and import("wGeometry")

wlpm install https://github.com/Indaxia/lua-wGeometry


  local Vector3 = wGeometry.Vector3
  local Matrix3 = wGeometry.Matrix3
  local Matrix4 = wGeometry.Matrix4
  local Box = wGeometry.Box 
  local Sphere = wGeometry.Sphere 
  local Ray = wGeometry.Ray
  local Camera = wGeometry.Camera
  local a = Vector3:new(1, -1, 1.1)
  local b = Vector3:new(-1, 1, -1.1)
  print(a + b)
  local c = Vector3:copyFromUnit(udg_unit1)
  local d = Vector3:copyFromUnit(udg_unit1)
  c:hermite(d, 0.5):applyToUnit(udg_unit1)
  local m1 = Matrix3:new(
    0.5, 1., 0.5, 
    0.8, 0.2, 0.7, 
    0.9, 1., 0.
  local m2 = Matrix3:newIdentity()
  print(m1 * m2)
  local m3 = Matrix4:new(
    0.5, 1., 0.5, 
    0.8, 0.2, 0.7, 
    0.9, 1., 0.

  local b = Box:new(
  print b.containsVector(a)
  local s = Sphere:new(Vector3:new(2,2,2), 100)
  local r = Ray:new(Vector3:new(2,2,2), Vector3:new(0.3,0.3,0.4))
  print (r.intersectsSphere(s))
  local cam = Camera:new()
  local win = Vector3:new(0.5, 0.5, 1)
  local world = cam:windowToWorld(win)
  local win2 = cam:worldToWindow(world)

See the source file for full functions documentation.

See on XGM/Russian