
Setup Linux Enviromment and Examples Programs for the GameBoy Homebrewer

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Gameboy Examples

Hi. My name is Carlos, and this is my first experiment with Homebrew game development. I had the idea of fork this project, merci Fabien LOISON 🙂

I updated the toolchain because the original repo was out of date. I've also added my own opinion on the choice of tools, emulator setup for debugging, enriched the examples with explanation text, and brought in other examples. In the end, this repository is something completely new!

I hope you don't care to use GNU/Linux, but if you don't even know what this means, sorry but read this document may be difficult to you. Besides, contributions to show the same setup in a Windows machine is embolden and more then welcome.

Send me your patches! Thanks in advance.

Install the Toolchain

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Its 2023, and the Gameboy Toolchain uses SDCC Compiler and GBDK-2020 cross-platform development kit. Please opt by download the binary released for Linux, toolchain boostrap is a difficult thing out of scope of this tutorial.

You also will need GNU Make (install build-essential) and git. The packages can be installed with the following command on Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install build-essential git

Clone this repository:

git clone https://github.com/Carlos1Costa/gameboy-examples
cd gameboy-examples

Then you have to download the GBDK library (this needs to be done only once). Dont worry, SDCC will be shipped together with GBDK. Extract inside the cloned dir, the extraction will produce a dir called gbdk:

tar -zxvf gbdk-linux64.tar.gz

Finally, you can build examples with the make command from the directory of the example itself. For example, if you want to build the "Hello World" example, you will have to run the following commands:

cd 01-hello-world/

If you want to cleanup the folder from all generated files (*.rel, *.lst, *.gb,...), you can use the following command:

make clean

You can now run the generated .gb file with our favorite emulator: Sameboy.

Install and Using Sameboy Emulator

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SameBoy is an open source Game Boy (DMG) and Game Boy Color (CGB) emulator, written in portable C. Sameboy runs in a SDL frontend for Linux, and libretro as its core. It also includes a text-based debugger with an expression evaluator. Pretty good tool for the homebrew endeavour.

To install Sameboy, download the last version from Sameboy releases.

You will need a couple of packages:

  • GCC and make (already installed)
  • SDL frontend: libsdl2 (sudo apt install libsdl2-dev will resolve)
  • rgbds for boot ROM compilation
  • cppp for cleaning up headers when compiling SameBoy as a library

After extract the Sameboy source and fill out all the dependencies above, run make and sudo make install to install Sameboy. To test, call sameboy Hello.gb to see the example 01 running in the emulator.

Examples Index (GameBoy Code)

This repository contains example programs for the Nintendo GameBoy video game console. The examples are originally related to this git https://github.com/flozz/gameboy-examples repository. I have been modified and even including news since I forked the project. Have fun!

Screenshot Name Description
01 - Hello World Simple program that prints "Hello World" on the screen
02 - Gamepad Simple program shows how to use gamepad in a GameBoy program
03 - Tic Tac Toe A complete example project to show how to make a simple game for the GameBoy
04 - Graphics 1 Simple example to show how to draw tiles on the GameBoy
05 - Graphics 2 Convert an image using img2gb and display it
06 - Graphics 3 - background Background layer scrolling example
07 - Graphics 4 - sprites A complete sprite example with an animated player
08 - Graphics 5 - window Window layer example
09 - Graphics 6 - palettes Playing with color palettes
10 - Breakout Simple breakout game
11 - Custom Text Handle and display text


Everything else section. To start, here are some nice links and documentations:

Default Keyboard Shortcuts for the SameBoy Emulator

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It was really difficult for me to find the commands online, so posting here for future reference.

Command	                Keys
Open Menu               Escape
Open ROM                Ctrl + O
Reset                   Ctrl + R
Pause                   Ctrl + P
Save state              Ctrl + (0 - 9)
Load state              Ctrl + Shift + (0 - 9)
Toggle Fullscreen       Ctrl + F
Mute / Unmute           Alt + M
Toggle audio channel    Alt + (1 - 4)
Break Debugger          Ctrl + C
  • Button A and B are keys z and x in the keyboard, respectivelly.
  • Button START is the key enter, button RESET is the backspace key.
  • Then you can use the directional keys as the Gameboy's direction pad.

Textual Debugger Documentation https://sameboy.github.io/debugger/

Building Assets

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Some of the examples have assets (tilesets, tilemaps, sprites,...). If you changes the images, you will have to rebuild assets. You will first need to install img2gb, wich is a tool to Convert Images to GameBoy Tileset and Tilemap.

The installation can be done with the following command: sudo pip install img2gb

Then, just run the following command (from the example directory): make assets


The examples in this repository are licensed under WTFPL unless otherwise stated:

                    Version 2, December 2004

 Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>

 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
 copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
 as the name is changed.