
powershell functions to make my admin work easier

Primary LanguagePowerShell


powershell functions to make my admin work easier


great function to get cpu, hdd, ram, nic and gpu load from this or remote computer it support -detailed parameter to display which process are most intensive


function for easy export of functions in ps1 scripts to psm1 module in safe and simple way for more information check my blog


function to capture traffic on local/remote computer/s, export it to etl file and copy to specified location

there is still some work to do, but basic functionality is working


proxy function to Invoke-Command that solves problem with inputting localhost + remote computers together to ComputerName parameter which end with access denied error, because you cannot run commands against yourself remotely.

Typical use case: You have function that has computers parameter. It run some command against computers in computers parameter using Invoke-Command. You have to deal with situation that user input:

  • just name of his local computer so you have to use Invoke-Command -scriptBlock {...}
  • name of his local computer and some remote computers so you have to use Invoke-Command -computerName $computers -scriptBlock {...} against remote computers and Invoke-Command -scriptblock {...} against localhost separately

This proxy function solves it all. You dont have to worry if you pass just remote computers, or just localhost or combination of two

..., just check the content of this repository..and if you are looking for some easy to use tool to manage your PowerShell content, check my PowerShell CI/CD repository