
Develop a backend system for a Course Management System using TypeScript and Node.js. The system needs to handle course data management and persist data in JSON files instead of a traditional database.


  1. Create a RESTful API for managing courses.
  2. Implement data persistence using JSON files.
  3. Ensure type safety and code quality using TypeScript.
  4. Implement proper error handling and logging.
  5. Create a scalable and maintainable architecture.



  • GET /api/courses - Retrieve all courses
  • GET /api/courses/:courseId - Retrieve a specific course by ID
  • POST /api/courses - Create a new course
  • PUT /api/courses/:courseId - Update a specific course by ID
  • DELETE /api/courses/:courseId - Delete a specific course by ID


  • GET /api/courses/:courseId/modules - Retrieve all modules for a specific course
  • GET /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId - Retrieve a specific module by ID within a course
  • POST /api/courses/:courseId/modules - Create a new module within a course
  • PUT /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId - Update a specific module by ID within a course
  • DELETE /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId - Delete a specific module by ID within a course


  • GET /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId/lessons - Retrieve all lessons for a specific module within a course
  • GET /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId/lessons/:lessonId - Retrieve a specific lesson by ID within a module
  • POST /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId/lessons - Create a new lesson within a module
  • PUT /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId/lessons/:lessonId - Update a specific lesson by ID within a module
  • DELETE /api/courses/:courseId/modules/:moduleId/lessons/:lessonId - Delete a specific lesson by ID within a module

Project Checklist

  • Store all data in JSON files
  • Implement efficient read/write operations to these files
  • Implement global error-handling middleware.
  • Implement logging for all API requests and errors. (Winston)
  • Validate all input data using a validation library like Joi.
  • Write unit tests for all business logic.
  • Implement integration tests for API endpoints.
  • Add pagination for listing endpoints.
  • Implement rate limiting to prevent API abuse.
  • Create a Docker configuration for easy deployment.
  • API Documentation: Swagger/OpenAPI

Getting Started

    docker build -t course_management .
    docker run -p 3000:3000 course_management



Unit and Integration Tests

npx jest src/tests/