
This is an example repo about the Typescript knowledges

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Made by Carlos Daniel Top Language Last Commits Top Language

🗂 Table of Contents

📑 About

This is a Typescript project created in order to learn the main features and advantages of typescript. Creating this application i could learn about:

Branch V1

  • Modeling holes due to limitations of the Javascript language
  • Initial Benefits of the TypeScript Language
  • Compiler configuration and tsconfig.json role
  • tsc compiler settings
  • Integration with Node.js scripts
  • Private and public access modifiers
  • Implicit type any
  • Benefits of static typing
  • Explicit method return
  • Conversion of interface values
  • defensive programming

Branch V2

  • typescript inheritance
  • generic type classes
  • abstractic classes
  • protected private and public modificators
  • advantages and care of using enums
  • static methods
  • Optional parameters
  • Removing comments from compiled code
  • Activating strictNullChecks
  • Benefits of strictNullChecks in controlling your application's flow

Branch V3

  • Method Decorator
  • Log runtime with decorator
  • Creating an Inspection Decorator
  • Portability of old functionality for decorators
  • Using Object.defineProperty
  • Dynamic getter creation
  • Practical application of polymorphism
  • Generation of sourmaps and application debugging in the browser

Branch V4 (coming soon)

  • tests coverage with jest and circle CI deploy
  • documentation with swagger

You can see details about typescript here

TypeScript notion

✨ Installation

Open a terminal and run the following commands:

# To copy this repository
git clone https://github.com/CarlosDanielS3/TypeScript.git

# To move to project directory
cd TypeScript

# To install the dependencies


# To move to project directory
cd servidor-api

# To install the dependencies

🔥 Running

You can run the application in development mode with the command:

#Run the Server
yarn start


# To run Aplication the consumed API
cd servidor-api
yarn start