My Wallet - Backend

About this Project

This project was developed as part of the Driven Web Full-Stack Bootcamp, a 6-month bootcamp where I started my journey as a web developer.

It serves as the back-end for my-wallet-Project -> the front-end of this project can be found here, and its deployment can be found here.

My-Wallet is an app where users can save their spending and income, all saved with their own login information and with a friendly interface. Its layout was developed exclusive for mobile applications.

The code for this project was developed in English, but it's interface is currently in Portuguese.


  • Create your own login, using the registration screen. It will save your information in a database and allow you to login wherever you want.

  • Sign in using your email and password, and a homescreen will show your name and all your saved entries and a calculated balance for all entries.

  • Add a new spending or income, typing it's value and a description. It will automatically be sent to the database and added to your homescreen.

Getting Started


To run this project in the development mode, you'll need to have a basic environment to run a Node.js App.

  • Run it locally: take note that it will be set in port 4000. If you wish another port, make sure to set it as an enviroment variable.

  • Database: The app is set to work with a DATABASE_URL sent as an environment variable. When using Heroku, for example, this URL is given with the information of the created database.


The following scripts are set for better using of the app:

  • start -> Will start the app locally, setting to use the development database. A Production database was not created due to a limitation in the number of databases a free user can have in Heroku.

  • test -> Will run the test files once, setting to use the testing database. Once the tests are complete, the database is erased and the connection ended.

  • test:watch -> will run the same tests as the previous script, but constantly, re-running at each change on any file of the app. It might be useful in case a change is being done, as it shows in real-time if any test has started to fail after a change.

Built With

  • Express - Web Framework for Noje.js
  • ESlint - Linter
  • Babel - JavaScript Compiler
  • DotEnv - Configs from .env file
  • Jest - Framework for testing
  • Bcrypt - Encryption and checking encripted strings
  • Joi - Validates data before proceeding to its processing
  • Uuid - Lib for creating unique tokens to be distributed to users as they login
  • Faker - Creates random values for variables in order to perform better testing
  • SuperTest - Easily performs integration tests for every possible app route.