Full-Stack Web Developer. JavaScript, Rails, React, Redux. Improving open-source projects. In love with pair programming and remote work. Open to work.
Microverse StudentPeru
Pinned Repositories
In this project, I will build a basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list. I will achieve that by using JavaScript objects and arrays. I will also need to dynamically modify the DOM and add basic events.
In this project, I will restructure your Awesome books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules. I will also practice the ES6 syntax that I have learned.
In this exercise, I will experience the power of using a CSS framework like Bootstrap to create a new website quickly from scratch. I'm going to create a prototype of the portfolio website from scratch in a few hours.
In this capstone project, I'm going to build is based on an online website for a conference using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In this project, I will set up a "Hello world" repository. No complex coding is required for this exercise. My goal here is to master all of the tools and best practices I learned about in previous steps.
The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to the external Leaderboard API service.
In this project, I worked with a coding partner doing a basic website in order to complete the trial from Microverse.
In this project, I will build a portfolio website from scratch for mobile and desktop version using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In this project, I will build a simple HTML list of To Do tasks. The list will be styled according to the specifications listed later in this lesson. This simple web page will be built using webpack and served by a webpack dev server.
In this exercise I will build a simple yet powerful webpack boilerplate, which I can later use as a starting point in my projects.
CarlosIgreda's Repositories
In this project, I will build a basic website that allows users to add/remove books from a list. I will achieve that by using JavaScript objects and arrays. I will also need to dynamically modify the DOM and add basic events.
In this project, I will build a simple HTML list of To Do tasks. The list will be styled according to the specifications listed later in this lesson. This simple web page will be built using webpack and served by a webpack dev server.
In this project, I will restructure your Awesome books app code. The goal is to make it more organized by using modules. I will also practice the ES6 syntax that I have learned.
In this project, I will build a portfolio website from scratch for mobile and desktop version using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In this capstone project, I'm going to build is based on an online website for a conference using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
In this exercise I will build a simple yet powerful webpack boilerplate, which I can later use as a starting point in my projects.
In this exercise, I will experience the power of using a CSS framework like Bootstrap to create a new website quickly from scratch. I'm going to create a prototype of the portfolio website from scratch in a few hours.
In this project, I will set up a "Hello world" repository. No complex coding is required for this exercise. My goal here is to master all of the tools and best practices I learned about in previous steps.
In this project, I worked with a coding partner doing a basic website in order to complete the trial from Microverse.
In the "Better communication in code reviews" lesson, I have read and think a lot about the quality of my code and communication in code reviews. Now it is time for me to perform a code review for me partner! We asked Code Reviewers to ignore any issues related to best practices or clean code rules during their reviews.
A README template that can be used to give any project clear documentation.
In this project, I worked with a coding partner doing a basic website in order to complete the trial from Microverse.
In this project, I will set up a "Hello world" repository. No complex coding is required for this exercise. My goal here is to master all of the tools and best practices I learned about in previous steps.
In this exercise, I will write a few practical tests for JavaScript functions using the Jest library. I should make sure I follow the AAA pattern to make my tests easier for other developers to read and understand. I will also try to use the TDD approach in practice.
A file that contains information about my work, capabilities and realizations.
The leaderboard website displays scores submitted by different players. It also allows you to submit your score. All data is preserved thanks to the external Leaderboard API service.
This is the first time at Microverse that we will build a project in a group. Apart from technical knowledge, we will need to use a few new processes and tools. We have been preparing for that with a few individual tasks in the Microverse program, and it is time to connect all of them together.
This React capstone project is about building a mobile web application to check a list of metrics (numeric values) that I will create making use of React and Redux.
In this exercise, I am going to consolidate my knowledge about React, components, props, state, and hooks, by following a tutorial.
In this exercise, I will practice Gitflow with an empty repo. As all the upcoming projects will require you to use Gitflow, make sure that I understand it very well.
This web app allows users to manage their books they want to read. Users can add, edit and delete books on the page.
This exercise will help me learn how to connect async logic to interact with a Redux store when fetching data from an external API.
Learning Redux Toolkit
This is the first project of the Math Magicians application. I will set up the environment and tools needed to develop a React application. In the following projects, I will develop the actual application.
In this project, I will start building my school library app. In this initial step, I will implement the classes to represent students and teachers.
This Exercise will help me start practicing all the concepts I've been reading about lately. I will create a store, start defining and dispatching actions, and write my first reducers.
I will use a relational database to create the data structure for a vet clinic. I will start with one table, and step by step, I will create a complete database.
The Blog app will be a classic example of a blog website. I will create a fully functional website that will show the list of posts and empower readers to interact with them by adding comments and liking posts.