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WiiUMC is a Plex implementation for the U. For the moment only support .MP4 video format, I trying to implement more format's and API'S for just enjoy it.

How I can use it?


+ An PC connected to internet (Or termux on smartphone).
+ Install Node.JS on your PC/Termux.
+ An Stable Internet Connection.
+ WiiU connected to the PC/Android internet.


  • On your PC clone this repository, Then extract it.
  • Then open a terminal in the proyect and type npm install
  • When the packages installation be finished type node .
  • Put your videos on the /public/videos folder (Just mp4)
  • Enjoy it!

What's comming?

+ Support for multiple video files. (Posible beta 5)
+ Support for music. (Posible beta 4)
+ Support for photos. (Posible beta 6)
+ Mobile App.
+ Native App for WiiU.

How I can help?

Do you want help me? Rigth just contact me on Discord with Karu_Senpai#9999 nickname and you can talk how can help me.

Copyrigth Carlos Núñez.