Test Figlet fonts

This project contains a bash script that downloads and tests a bunch of fonts from the figlet-fonts project.

asciinema demo


Verify installation


Execute these steps only if it's the first time that you use Vagrant with VirtualBox.
If not, you can skip them. They only serve to test the Vagrant + VirtualBox installation.
If Vagrant and VirtualBox are installed and configured correctly, then the environment will work fine (it has already been tested, and is repeatable).

Check that the vagrant executable was added correctly to the PATH variable:

vagrant version

Check that vagrant is able to create a VM:

mkdir test-vagrant
cd test-vagrant
vagrant init ubuntu/jammy64
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
vagrant destroy --force
cd ..
rm -rf test-vagrant


If the following error appears after executing vagrant up:
No usable default provider could be found for your system.

  1. Verify that VirtualBox was installed correctly
  2. Obtain more info about the error: > > vagrant up --provider=virtualbox >


If the following error appears after executing vagrant up:
VBoxManage: error: Details: code NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005)

  • Reinstall VirtualBox


If Vagrant gets stuck on the following line after executing vagrant up:
SSH auth method: private key

  • Windows users: Open cmd as admin and execute: > > bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off > > This disables Hyper-V.


For other issues:

Customize the script

All these changes must be done in the test-figlet-fonts.sh script.


You can customize the text that will be displayed by changing the TEXT variable:

TEXT="Vagrant VM"


You can change the fonts that will be displayed by changing the FONTS variable:

declare -a FONTS=(
    # Array of strings, where each string has 2 values inside, separated using the " | " characters:
    #   "<font-name> | <font-url-suffix>"
    # An associative array cannot be used because it does not keep order

    # xx-large
    "##### xx-large ##### | ##### xx-large #####" # font-size section heading
    "Alpha.flf | Alpha.flf"
    "Doh.flf | Doh.flf"
    # ...

You can remove or add fonts. Fonts can be found at: https://github.com/xero/figlet-fonts


You can change the color of the text by commenting/uncommenting the following lines:

# Uncomment one of the following lines to print with or without rainbow color (or uncomment both =P)
# figlet -f "/usr/share/figlet/fonts/$font" -t "$TEXT" # print with default color
figlet -f "/usr/share/figlet/fonts/$font" -t "$TEXT" | lolcat --spread 1.5 --force # print with rainbow color

The 1st line prints the text with the default color, whereas the 2nd line prints the text with a rainbow color.

You can also change the --spread value to change the color spread.

Steps to run the environment

All the vagrant commands must be executed in the host machine from the folder that contains the Vagrantfile (in this case, the project root folder).


For Windows users:
If Vagrant doesn't show any output in the stdout for a Vagrant command after some time, press the Enter key or right click in the console window. See this post for more info about this problem.

1. Start the VM [host]

vagrant up

This will also execute the following scripts:

2. Check the status of the VM [host]

vagrant status

3. Connect to the VM [host]

This connection is done via SSH.

vagrant ssh

This will execute the test-figlet-fonts.sh script, that downloads the specified fonts and displays the text message in the terminal using each font.

4. Exit the VM [vm]


5. Stop the VM [host]

vagrant halt

6. Destroy the VM [host]

vagrant destroy

How I recorded the asciinema demo

# Install asciinema (on macOS)
brew install asciinema

# Start the VM
cd test-figlet-fonts
vagrant up

# Record the demo (connect to the VM and exit)
asciinema rec test-figlet-fonts-demo.cast
vagrant ssh
asciinema play test-figlet-fonts-demo.cast

# Authenticate to asciinema with my account and upload the demo
asciinema auth
asciinema upload test-figlet-fonts-demo.cast

# Stop the VM
vagrant halt

# Destroy the VM
vagrant destroy