
project for the web programming course

Primary LanguageJava


Project for the web programming course

This system will help people in organizing their shopping lists with the possibility to share them with other users. Those will be organized in categories according to the different products that can be inserted. An user will be firstly displayed with all the available products, he may also want to see them organized by shop (e.g. Super Market) and category (e.g. Vegetables). There is also a message chat binded to the several lists so that the partecipating user can communicate, for example telling someone else that they've already bought a certain product. This functionality is only accessible by registered users. An user can access the system through the login page if they've already an account or they can register if it's the first time using this system.

Group members:

  • Alberto Bombardelli
  • Massimiliano Fronza
  • Stefano Sega
  • Carlotta Tagliaro
  • Davide Zanella