
Prepare data for data science

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Set of real world data science tasks completed using the Python Pandas library.

Background Information:

We start by cleaning our data. Tasks during this section include:

  • Drop NaN values from DataFrame
  • Removing rows based on a condition
  • Change the type of columns (to_numeric, to_datetime, astype)

Once we have cleaned up our data a bit, we move the data exploration section. In this section we explore 5 high level business questions related to our data:

  • What was the best month for sales? How much was earned that month?
  • What city sold the most product?
  • What time should we display advertisemens to maximize the likelihood of customer’s buying product?
  • What products are most often sold together?
  • What product sold the most? Why do you think it sold the most?

To answer these questions we walk through many different pandas & matplotlib methods. They include:

  • Concatenating multiple csvs together to create a new DataFrame (pd.concat)
  • Adding columns
  • Parsing cells as strings to make new columns (.str)
  • Using the .apply() method
  • Using groupby to perform aggregate analysis
  • Plotting bar charts and lines graphs to visualize our results
  • Labeling our graphs