Advent of Code

year day summary
2015 1 reduuuuuuuce
2015 2 simple regex, yummy destructuring, map/reduce... fun!
2015 3 reduce is very versatile!
2015 4 clojure is plenty fast, eh?
2015 5 maybe helper functions would be more readable? otherwise, simple enough :)
2015 6 had some (but not tooooo much) fun optimising, ha
2015 7 WIP
2021 1 off to a nice, neat start
2021 2 sooo much nicer than my first attempt!
2021 3 not terrible
2022 1 let's goooooo!
2022 2 alright: I was a bit distracted :P
2022 3 neat... but feels like the calm before the storm
2022 4 ditto
2022 5 parsing is a little inelegant, but the rest was fine :)
2022 6 piece of piss
2022 8 eh... quite ugly :/
2022 9 not too bad!
2022 10 neat enough!
2022 11 part 1? fine. part 2? uhhhhh...
2022 12 a little ugly. but more importantly: slowwwww...
2022 13 little hard to understand the spec, but got there in the end
2022 14 easy enough; wordy solution though
2023 1 overlapping regex, grrrrr...
2023 2 zero snags; enjoyed making it nice :)
2023 3 easy peeeeez... once I figured how best to parse things
2023 4 neat!

Feedback welcome!