:sparkles: React // :construction: In progress -- dev & art --

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Link: https://www.caroline.totypice.fr/

Commits are performed on Github and Gitlab.

What's next?

  • Welcome page is actually under construction.
  • Update responsive interface.
  • Improve the user experience on art portfolio page.
  • Add better transitions between pages.
  • Fix Cv download bug.
  • Add a 404 page.
  • Add a custom favicon.
  • Implementation of a language change option.


Portfolio deploy with the support of Docker.
It's an open source software platform for creating, deploying and managing virtualized application containers on an operating system. The services or functions of the application and its various libraries, configuration files, dependencies and other components are grouped within the container. Each executed container shares the services of the operating system.