
Update a gist to contain a daily trivia question from Open Trivia DB

Primary LanguagePython


💻 Update a gist to contain a daily trivia question from Open Trivia DB

Update a gist to contain a daily trivia question from Open Trivia DB Lint & Test

🎒 Prep Work

  1. Create a new public GitHub Gist (https://gist.github.com/)
  2. Create a token with the gist scope and copy it. (https://github.com/settings/tokens/new)
  3. Copy the API token

🖥 Project Setup

  1. Go to your fork's Settings > Secrets > Add a new secret for each environment secret (below)

🤫 Environment Secrets

  • GH_TOKEN: The GitHub token generated above.

  • GIST_ID: The ID portion from your gist url:


    (Alternatively this can be put directly in .github/workflows/trivia.yml as it is public anyway.)

🤓 Hacking

Getting Setup

python3 -m venv venv
source activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Saving Dependencies

source activate
pip-chill > requirements.txt

Running linting and tests

isort main.py trivia_box.py test/ && \
mypy main.py trivia_box.py test/ && \
flake8 main.py trivia_box.py test/ && \
blue --check main.py trivia_box.py test/ && \
pytest test/