// Copyright <Carol-Luca Gasan, Teodora-Andreea Voicu>
PROJECT DESCRIPTION * This project develops a system to control the flow of the in and out products of a couple of stores with the same merchandise range.
MOTIVATION * The theme of this project was chosen in concordance with the lessons taught during this semester, in order to use as much concepts as possible from them, rather than a more catchy project that lacks to show the importance of teh learnt tehnics and algorithms.
TEAM WORK * The project was developed by two students, in two very delimitated pahese: in the first phase, a general outlook on the algorithm behind the system was concluded; followed by a second phase in which tasks were picked and implemented by the preorganized model from the previos stage.
CONCEPTS * A list of concepts that were presented in the courses can be: dynamically allocated memory, bitwise operations, working with files, hashtable, priority queue, trie, query manipulation etc.
DIFICULTIES * All the dificuties are mainly time-related because of all the other projects and tasks that have close deadlines, but good time managment proved to make them all seem stressless.
PERSONAL BENEFITS * Accentuated the importance of working in a team, and raised the problem of knowing how to communicate your idea is unserstood by everyone.
USE CASES * This project can be used for a small company with a small number of products, but which owns a couple of stores around the town.