- Get all section translations associated with a section
- Create a section translation
- Update a section translation text
- Delete a section translation
GET: /section/:id
Takes in an id (ObjectId) and returns a SectionDoc correspondent to that id.
GET: /section/?text
Takes in a query text (string) and returns a list of SectionDoc, corresponding to a split of "text" into sections. Section order obeys the original text's order.
GET: /sectionTranslation/:section
Takes in the id of a section and returns all section translations associated with it. The return object is an array of PayloadSectionTranslation's. If the author of a section translation was deleted, returns the username as "Deleted user".
POST: /sectionTranslation
query: {
id: ObjectId,
translation: string
If there isn't a section corresponding to "id", raises an error. Otherwise, creates a new section translation that points to that section with text "translation".
PATCH: /sectionTranslation
query: {
id: ObjectId,
translation: string
If there isn't a section translation corresponding to "id", raises an error. If the user requesting an update isn't the owner of the translation, raises an error. Otherwise, updates the section translation's associated translation.
DELETE: /sectionTranslation
query: {
id: ObjectId,
If there isn't a section translation corresponding to "id", raises an error. If the user requesting the deletion isn't the owner of the translation, raises an error. Otherwise, deletes the section translation.