Caroline Amanquah

I am a junior full stack developer that leverages clean code, test-driven development, and agile methodologies for user-centric software, demonstrated by a top 10 ranking at the 2023 TargetJobs National Coding Challenge hackathon with Cognizant. Motivated to improve software efficiency from my experience as a Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, I transitioned into software development. Currently, as a Makers graduate, I harness my problem-solving and analytical skills to continuously strive to create impactful solutions, motivated by a drive for meaningful innovation.


Name Description Languages Databases Frameworks Techniques
Dealscover London MERN full stack web application aimed to help users find events in London based on their budget. JavaScript, HTML and CSS MongoDB React, Node.js, Express and Bootstrap Test-Driven Development (Jest and Cypress), Agile methodologies, Version Control (Git), UI/UX Design and Prototyping (Figma), Pair Programming and Code Review
Bank Statement Challenge A software program that generates a detailed bank statement for clients, outlining their transaction history. JavaScript Object-Oriented Programming (including Single Responsibility Principle, Open/Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle) and Git
Simple Calculator Application A simple command-line calculator application that performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Java Object-Oriented Programming
Acebookers MERN full stack Facebook clone application JavaScript, HTML and CSS MongoDB React, Node.js, Express and Bootstrap Test-Driven Development (Jest and Cypress), Agile methodologies, Version Control (Git), UI/UX Design and Prototyping (Figma), Pair Programming and Code Review
Simple Todo List Application A Todo List Application that manages tasks by adding, marking tasks as completed, and listing tasks with their completion status. Typescript, JavaScript, and HTML React Git


Software Development Bootcamp, Makers Academy (11/2022 to 03/2023)

  • Completed an intensive 12-week bootcamp at Makers Academy, gaining a robust foundation in software development fundamentals, including pair programming, debugging, test-driven development, and agile methodologies.
  • Developed proficiency in multiple programming languages (Ruby, JavaScript, SQL) and acquired hands-on full-stack web development expertise, focusing on HTTP protocols, web routing, web frameworks, and cloud-based application deployment via Heroku.
  • I also gained experience in the design and construction of backend APIs using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB, ensuring seamless integration with a React frontend.
  • Strengthened team collaboration and agile project management through effective task management and adaptability to diverse working styles and ideas within teams.
  • Received specialised training in Emotional Intelligence (EQ) within a technical environment, focusing on empathy, teamwork, and feedback to enhance interpersonal skills

Introduction to Python Programming, Code First Girls (01/2022 to 03/2022)

  • Successfully completed a comprehensive Python programming course that emphasised practical programming skills acquisition. Through hands-on exercises and projects, acquired proficiency in Python syntax, data types and structures, control structures, functions, file input/output, and basic algorithms.

Low-Intensity Cognitive Behavioral Interventions PG Cert, UCL (10/2020 – 10/2021)

  • Pass
  • Attained the highest grade on the postgraduate course and complied to tight academic and clinical deadlines.
  • Managed a caseload of around 30 clients.
  • Acquired valuable skills in delivering evidence-based low-intensity treatment and assessing clients with common mental health problems.

BSc Psychology, University of Essex (10/2016 – 09/2019)

  • 2:1
  • Successfully conducted and reported my experiment for my Dissertation using MATLAB and SPSS for data collection, processing, and storage resulting in a 2:1 grade.
  • Acquired extensive skills and knowledge in Research Methods, Statistics, Psychiatry and Mental Illness, Social Psychology, and Neuroscience.

Work Experience:

Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, NHS (10/2020 - 10/2022)

  • Adaptability, Problem-Solving and Creativity: Utilised these skills to deliver tailored cognitive behavioural therapeutic interventions to clients with mental health difficulties across multiple channels like phone, video, and face-to-face communication.
    • Result: This approach contributed to a significant recovery rate of around 80%

Mental Health Recovery Support Worker, Maison Moti (09/2019 - 07/2020)

  • Empathy, Coordination and Planning: Employed these abilities during supervision and team meetings to align health and social care services effectively and to plan interventions accurately.
    • Impact: This ensured a harmonious workflow and accurate delivery of necessary services, aiding service users in achieving their independent living goals.
  • Administrative Competency: Demonstrated this skill by maintaining support plans and implementing administrative tasks.
    • Outcome: These tasks contributed to the overall operational efficiency and ensured that service user needs were consistently met.

Research Assistant, University of Essex (10/2017 - 12/2018)

  • Analytical Skill: Demonstrated meticulous attention to detail while conducting hypothesis testing and recording findings primarily using MATLAB, SPSS, and Excel.
    • Impact: This facilitated accurate research results and data analysis, which were integral to the success of the academic research projects.

Training Officer, University of Essex (10/2017 - 03/2018)

  • Communication skills and Patience: Leveraged these interpersonal skills to effectively train volunteers and keep the executive team's training up-to-date.
    • Result: This approach nurtured a supportive and productive learning environment for all team members.
  • Mental Health Support: Provided this crucial support to service users as a part of my role.
    • Impact: This ensured the overall wellbeing of service users, allowing them to comfortably participate and contribute in their respective roles.


  • Art, Design, and Performance: Production Assistant/ Boom Operator for "You're Not My Superhero" Alpha Film in 2022.
  • Psychology: founded and directed a mental health social enterprise, the "Mindfulness Collective," in 2018.