
Just a bunch of kids trying to grow plants

Primary LanguagePython


Just a bunch of kids trying to grow plants


  1. get fb client to rate health out of 10
  2. get basic functionality in hw sorted
Features How we do it Implemented?
light cycle times Use MQTT to get time every hour, Use relays to control light connection Yup
extreme temperature warning Use temperature sensor Yup
facebook chat interface Get Magson's Python thing running on uPython Yup
Water control Use valve to get water out of tank. Replaced
Heater control Buy a heater Yup
Humidity control Humidifier Yup
Height warning IR beam break sensor Nope
Colour Temperature Use 2 relays to turn lights on/off Nope
Polling ability via chat Magson can do this "easy" EASY
Plant suggestions Have a dictionary and try to match it with avg temps etc Yup
Water tank empty warning Humidity level stays same after spraying? Yup