
Just a bunch of kids trying to visualize

Primary LanguageF#


Extensive module level testing is done in the independent branches dev_nippy (Tom), dev_doug (Doug), and dev_maccth (Chris). This includes property-based testing and extensive coverage testing. This allowed easier golden testing. For example, it is easier to test the flexible second operand logic before it is integrated with the other modules. The same is true for the functions within the memory and misc modules. This meant that testing at the group stage was more about testing edge cases.

These edge cases are tested using hand-crafted unit tests running on the integrated modules in Test.fs.

DP instruction notes

All DP instructions, in terms of the logic, are correct. In headless mode rd is always set to the correct value. Unfortunately this is not the case when the backend was integrated with the GUI. This is mainly due to the Javascript types and we will continue to work on this to ensure the GUI reflects the strength of the backend.

Shifts are modulo 32. This is not consistent with the ARM spec or with VisUAL but reflects the wishes of Dr. Clarke.

The #immed_8r and #immed_16 flexible second operand formats are currently not supported.

The ARM spec states that the shift length for the shift instructions is as follows

  • ASR shift length from 1 to 32
  • LSL shift length from 0 to 31
  • LSR shift length from 1 to 32
  • ROR shift length from 1 to 31 this is currently not implemented.

Furthermore, shifts should set the carry flag to the last bit shifted out. This also currently not implemented.

Memory instruction notes

LDR and STR instruction correctly loads/stores a word from/at a given address, with the suffix B it will load/store a byte. It is executing correctly with no offsets, pre-offsets, post-offsets and both. These offsets can be either a number or register. Unprivileged loads/stores op{type}T{cond} Rt, [Rn {, #offset}], Register FlexOp2 op{type}{cond} Rt, [Rn, Rm {, LSL #n}] and two word memory instructions opD{cond} Rt, Rt2, [Rn {, #offset}] are not being parsed.

LDM and STM accept all suffixes IA, IB, DA, DB, FD, ED, FA, EA and execute them correctly. All forms of these instructions are parsed, op{addr_mode}{cond} Rn{!}, reglist however, the writeback suffix ! does not update the address register during execution so is not functional.

Misc instruction notes

FILL instruction accepts both an expression for the number of bytes to fill and the value to put in them. At present, the value size is hard-coded to 1 and cannot be input. Might be added later.

SPACE can also be used to fill with zeroed memory, unlike Visual where FILL does this, but without accepting a value to be filled.

FILL, SPACE, EQU, DCB and DCD all require labels (FILL and SPACE wouldn't usually, but we require it for sanity)

FILL and SPACE are currently broken due to variable sizes possibly not being known when they are placed, but they do work on their own.

DCB is Little Endian, the same as visUAL. DCD should also behave the same way as visUAL.

If during resolution, a DCB expression evaluates to a value larger than 255 then an error is thrown, as visUAL does.

DCD values which "overflow" are allowed, as they are in visUAL, in that they are modulo 2^32.

B and BL both accept a label as the only argument, as expected. They can also accept an expression e.g. label + 3, However they do not support # in front of literals for an explicit branch, instead the hash is omitted.

Memory is little endian

Symbols can be multiple forward dependent on each other. Note that filling by an amount which depends on the value of the fill results in undefined behaviour.

The FILL value size is always assumed to be 1 and cannot be specified.

Order of operations

Every line is parsed, if any parse errors exist, these are displayed Instructions are placed in memory.

A memory offset base is calculated by rounding up from instruction memory to the nearest hexadecimal hundred (0x100 etc). From here, the data directives are placed in memory based on their size, although the values placed are not resolved yet.

At this point, only EQU instructions could create new labels, so these are attempted to be resolved. This is done by going through all unresolved EQUs, trying to resolve them. If the symbol table doesn't change after a pass and there are still unresolved EQUs then these unresolved EQUs are impossible to resolve and an error is returned. At this point, a full symbol table is build so the directives are evaluated and placed against the table. Errors can occur here if the directives cannot be resolved. Finally, we go back throught the instructions in memory, looking for ADR, B and BL instructions which can also depend on labels. These are then resolved against the complete symbol table, possibly returning an error.

Throughout, line numbers are kept track of for both parsing and symbol resolution allowing the line to be specified where an error occurred.