Final Assignment: Autonomous Driving

Chenghao Xu (5266068, Liangchen Sui (5440238,


Chenghao Xu: work on opencv_person_detector

Liangchen SUi: work on pcl_obstacle_detector

How to build

Assuming that you do not work on the directory ~/catkin_ws with singularity, the following commands have to be run in your terminal

source /opt/ros/melodic/setup.bash
cd ~
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash

How to run

roslaunch control_barrel_world solution.launch

Person detection package

Class CPersonDetector

Private Members:

Type name
ros::NodeHandle nh
image_transport::Subscriber imageSub
image_transport::Publisher imagePub
ros::Publisher msgPub
std::vectorcv::Rect detections_
double hit_threshold_
double stride_value_
cv::Size win_stride_

Public Member Functions:

function description
CPersonDetector() constructor
imageCallback() callback function
imageDetecction() HOG detection function
detectionsPublisher() detection publisher function
~CPersonDetector() destructor

Obstacle detection package

Class CObstacleDetector

Private Members:

Type name
ros::NodeHandle nh
ros::Subscriber pclSub
ros::Publisher pclPub
double distance_threshold_
double cluster_tolerance_
double max_cluster_size_

Public Member Functions:

function description
CObstacleDetector() constructor
pclCallback() callback function
GroundPlaneRemoval() removing ground plane from point cloud
clusterExtraction() extract the cluster from filtered point cloud
clusterPublisher() publish the clusters
~CObstacleDetector() destructor

Prius control package

Class CPriusControl

Private Members:

Type name
ros::NodeHandle nh
ros::Subscriber personDetectorSub
ros::Subscriber obstacleDetectorSub
ros::Publisher controlPub
bool personDetector_
bool obstacleDetector_
float steer_

Public Member Functions:

function description
CPriusControl() constructor
personDetectorCallback() callback function
obstacleDetectorCallback() callback function
controlPublish() publish the control message
getYValue() get the closest y-value of the obstacle
~CPriusControl() destructor